Memo with Code is one of the many clue items that you can find in Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. This clue is in reference to a puzzle within Phase 3:0 The Lost Day located on 2BF, inside the Director's Office. The puzzle involves using the keypad located on the director's desk in order to reveal a secret room.
Fatal Frame Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Memo with Code solution
Unlike other puzzles, this one doesn't require you to take any hint photos. Instead, you need to pay close attention to the memo itself. More specifically, the text that is highlighted in red. By multiplying two by seven, the result is 14, and when you add one to it, the answer is clearly 15, despite the existence of three blank spaces. By summing up the values of the top two rows, you will realize that they both add up to 15. Hence, it follows that the sum of the values in the bottom row should also be 15. If you're still having trouble, then just punch in the numbers two, seven, and six.
Related: How to find the four digit code in Fatal Frame Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

After solving the puzzle, Choshiro will be able to move the bookcase in the Director's Office, which will lead him to a creepy new room downstairs. Keep in mind that since the Spirit Stone Flashlight is missing the Fatal Frame ability, the ghosts you encounter in this room will be slower, less threatening, and will have less health than the ones you meet as Ruka and Misaki.
For more Fatal Frame, check out Best outfits in Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water only on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 10, 2023 03:11 pm