Our Fortnite Editing Guide will teach you all of the edits you should know in the game. Fortnite Edits are very important to learn as you progress in your building abilities, and will allow you to survive more fights and win more games!
Keep in mind that while there's a lot of edits on this list, you will likely only need to know a few. Learning how to exit quickly out of boxes, through floors and walls is very important. You'll want to be able to edit and reset at a moments notice to get out of tight areas.
If you want to learn some more about building, check out our Fortnite Building Tips Guide!
Fortnite Floor Edits List
Floors are pretty simple when it comes to editing, you are largely editing them to run through them or give yourself an opening to hit a shot. Each of these edits leave a wall or lip facing the open portion of the floor. This can be awkward sometimes because if you are trying to shoot below you and the lip is in your way you are likely going to hit it instead of your intended target.
There is a fourth edit you may never have even seen in game, I'll mention it briefly below.

The first one opens up a one square opening on the floor. This is commonly used to run out of an enclosed box.
The second edit is a half opening, you can use this to run out of a box as well, but this is also useful if you want to remove the floor if it is not connected to anything other than a ramp or wall. If you edit the two boxes that are connected to the other structure it will automatically break. This is faster than hacking it with your pickaxe.
The third option leaves a single wedge balcony spot. This gives you the widest opening to shoot at people, but you still have that lip/wall to deal with if you are trying to shoot down at your enemy.
The fourth one that isn't pictured here is the BRIDGE. I wasn't really even aware of its existence, but it creates an diagonal pathway with a lip on either side of it. I can't really see much use in it, but if you want to create it you just edit out two corners opposite to the other at a diagonal.
Fortnite Ramp/Stairs Edits List
You don't really need to know much about stair edits. The edit you want to know is the half-stair which can get you out from under a ramp/stair. The other thing you should know about is how to rotate the stair edits. I'm going to include a video for that, it's much easier to explain with a video.
Ramp/Stair Rotations
Ramp/Stair Edits

The first example is the half ramp/stair which is going to be the most useful. You'll need this periodically to get out from under a ramp.
The second and third aren't really useful and you'd likely never need them in a real game. The U shape is for creating a U stair that ramps forward and then ramps back around. The L shape is for an L stair that ramps up and then to the side.
Fortnite Roof Edits List
The roof structure was hardly ever used originally, but now that competitive play has caught on it sees a lot more use. It is great for stopping players that are running above you in their tracks, and it can also be used to double up structures for more protection, or used as fast cover if you are low on materials.

The first example gives you a tall angled triangle. The point of that triangle will be facing the direction of the square you edited out. This can serve as a way to look above a wall or something tall, or allow you to exit a roof if you are under it.
Second is a ramp! Yes, you read that correctly, if you don't like stairs, you can create ramps with a roof. You can do these at whatever side you remove two squares from as long as they are next to each other.
The third one is very interesting, it's an inverted version of the first one! I don't see a whole lot of use for it, and it breaks unless it's on the ground or has a wall next to it. If you edit a roof like this and it's only on a floor you've created it will break.
There's a fourth edit for the roof, and it's called the TENT! You can do this by editing out two corners of the roof, and it creates kind of a weird tent looking shape. It's not going to be super useful, and it'd be more of a design element if you were in playground.
Fortnite Wall Edits List
Walls are going to be generally used for passing through them when you are trying to exit a structure. There will be times when you use them to take quick shots, or for replacing an enemies wall and editing it so you can expose them to your gunfire.
Wall Arch Edits

Arches are mostly useful for creating large pathways through many boxes or opening up a bigger area to you or your team.
Wall Door Edits

Doors are semi-useful, and are good if you aren't as good at quick edits because you can shut the door to keep cover without having to clear your edit.
The first example is your basic door, you can do it on the left, center, or right. This is going to be your most used edit when it comes to doors, you can use them to enter or exit a structure and sometimes they can be used as cover if you are in an awkward situation.
The second example is a half wall with a door in it, you can do it on the left or right. This has very little use, and you'll likely never need to use it.
The final example is a full wall with a window and a door that can be done on the left or right. This is another weird one, it doesn't have much use unless you are designing a house and want to have good natural light in your foyer.
Part Wall Edits

These are all edits that give you partial walls. These can be useful at time, especially if your wall is in an awkward spot, like it's sunk into the ground and you can only edit the top portion.
The first example is likely the most useful, it creates a half wall and is quite good for use when exiting awkward spots or just in general.
The second is a very small quarter wall. Third is a small but full length wall, fourth is a column that can be used on the left or right, and the final is the smallest wall you can make which is a half quarter wall.
Wall Wedge Edits

Wedges are pretty useful for making a big area to quickly run through that isn't a door. These are likely going to be one of your main edits when entering and exiting from structures.
Wall Window Edits

The first example is a simple window. You can have an edit on the left, center, or right side and it will give you a window in the designated spot. Windows are very useful for firing shots from a relatively covered area. If you have a wall and there's an opponent behind it, you can quickly edit a window and take a shot at them.
The second example isn't super useful and you will rarely use it, but it creates two windows, one on either side.
Published: Oct 22, 2018 04:18 pm