First, you were driving them to destroy fishing holes, well, if you chose to do it that way! Next, we are blowing them up? What gives?!?
Where to Destroy Motorboats
To destroy Motorboats in Fortnite is a pretty easy challenge. If you head to any massive body of water, a motorboat is always guaranteed to spawn, maybe a couple! However, the best location to head to is the Drop Shop, which is north/northeast of Hunters Haven, as inside this building are many motorboats waiting to be destroyed.
For this challenge, you need to only destroy three motorboats, which is easy as pie! Finding there together is the hardest part, though you can spread this over multiple matches, so save the headache and guarantee you can at least blow one up before they go extinct on the map. Remember, other players will be doing the same!
The Drop Shop has a plethora of motorboats just waiting to be destroyed; there are two on showcase and then three hanging up over the building's edge. Remember, motorboats have 800 health, which isn't a lot, but you will have to spend a bit of time destroying them, so always make sure to watch your back before someone eliminates you and then carries on what you were trying to do.
Another great location to always run into motorboats is the water in between Sweaty Sands and Coral Castle; as we said before, motorboats are always guaranteed to spawn near big bodies of water! Though this one might be more of a fighting zone then the location up above!
If you are having trouble check out this YouTube video!
The full list of challenges - we have information on - is available here, at our Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5 Guide – Challenges & Information article!
Published: Jan 7, 2021 03:44 am