You'll probably spend most of your time crafting in LEGO Fortnite, but if you're like me, you'll spend time creating the perfect base, too. Placed something in the wrong spot? Here's how to move it.
How to move items in LEGO Fortnite
There are tons of different objects you can craft and place down from your Build menu, from Crafting Tables to shelters for your Village. I get very particular when I'm designing the perfect base, and if one thing gets out of place, then I'm going to want to move it.

Unfortunately, there is no way to pick up objects after they've already been placed down. To dismantle it, you're going to need to break it. You can use your pickaxe, axe, or weapon to break down the furniture and objects that you want to move. Keep in mind that doing this will wear on your tools and will take longer depending on how big and intricate the object is.
Once you break the object down, all the materials you used to make it will be returned to you as they drop out. This will allow you to rebuild the object in the spot you wanted to move it to, and not require you to gather any new materials.
You should keep a few extra tools at the ready for breaking down your items since bigger buildings and furniture will use them up quickly. If you have the materials, it may be worth just creating new ones without breaking them down unless you really need the old ones gone.
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Published: Dec 7, 2023 03:09 pm