One of the quests for Week 7 is to Destroy Slurp Barrels. These can be found all over the Fortnite map, and all you need to do is hit them, shoot them, or whatever you want to get this quest done.
Where to Destroy Slurp Barrels in Fortnite
There are quite a few places to destroy Slurp Barrels in Fortnite, and the best place to do this is, of course, Slurpy Swamp. More specifically, on the outskirts of Slurpy Swamp. To complete this challenge, you need to destroy 10 of these in any way you see fit.
One of the better locations to do this all at once is to the west of Slurpy Swamp, where there is a POI called Shanty town. In the center in the water is five Slurp Barrels for the taking, and then if you explore the area, especially on the balconies and walkways, you'll easily find five more Slurp Barrels to destroy.

Another amazing place to complete this challenge quickly is at the Sticks restaurant at Craggy Cliffs. In the attic of this building will be able seven Slurp Barrels, and if you're lucky, you can get another two in the other buildings in this area. You won't be able to get all ten here, but if you are playing in anything other than Team Rumble, these barrels may not even be here on your arrival.
One more great place you can go to is north of Coral Castle at Sharky Shell. You want to drop in the northeast corner, and you'll find five Slurp Barrels with ease. However, very much like Craggy Cliffs, you'll be able to find at least nine Slurp Barrels, but not the full 10.

You can destroy the Slurp Barrels in any way you can; they only have 240 Heath, so a few swings of your Harvesting tool and they'll explode. If you have any explosive weapon, then the Slurp Barrels tend to be in groups, so for a quick method, explode them!
The Slurp Barrels do not need to be all destroyed in one match; it could take you several to do this quest if you cannot get to these locations quickly to destroy them before anybody else!
The full list of challenges - we have information on - is available here, at our Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 5 Guide – Challenges & Information article!
Published: Jan 14, 2021 04:11 am