The Heavy Sniper was one of the newest weapons to be unvaulted in Fortnite. This weapon, if used effectively, can potentially turn the tide of any match. That said, the Heavy Sniper Rifle is readily available from chests, supply drops, and IO chests on the map. While regular chests spawn almost everywhere on the map, the IO chests spawn only inside IO Outposts and blimps. Here's a map showing you the approximate locations of all the IO chests in Fortnite right now.

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Fortnite Heavy Sniper stats
The Heavy Sniper comes in three different rarities: Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Sadly, after the nerf, you can't kill an opponent with just one headshot. The current stats for this weapon, in the order of Rare to Legendary, stand as follows:
- Body damage: 120/128/132
- Headshots: 180/192/198
- Build damage: 600/630/660
- Damage to vehicles: 640+
It's unlikely that this weapon will receive another buff during the current season. Although the community wasn't really happy with the nerf that the weapon received, it does make sense to an extent. Given that Fortnite has introduced a No-build mode, and since this mode was available from the very beginning of the season, loopers couldn't build covers for themselves. In that scenario, having a sniper rifle that can kill loopers in a single shot could put loopers who don't have this weapon on the backfoot.
With that in mind, the Heavy Sniper still does considerable damage to loopers and structures alike, so the weapon could still be effective in modes where building is enabled. That said, don't take this weapon lightly just because it has been nerfed. The Fortnite Heavy Sniper can still hold its own in battle. Good luck, looper!
For more Fortnite related content, check out Marvel and Fortnite universes collide in the new Zero War comic series on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 22, 2022 09:55 am