Lost Records: Bloom & Rage is a new story from the creators of the award-winning Life is Strange series. This slice-of-life mystery adventure takes players on an emotional rollercoaster from a blissful childhood summer in 1995 to an uncertain future filled with foreboding consequences over two decades later. Our Lost Records full walkthrough will guide you through the secrets and tough decisions found in all chapters of the game.
Full Walkthrough for Lost Records - All Chapters in Tape 1 Bloom

Similar to the game mechanics in Life is Strange and its sequel Double Exposure, Lost Records: Bloom & Rage takes players through narrative sections full of personal choices, big and small, that can impact future events in different ways. Some will be more consequential than others.
Rather than chapters, the developers of the Lost Records have divided the story into two Tapes sectioned by Scenes. The first is titled Bloom, while the second is titled Rage. In the following walkthrough for each section of each Tape, we've provided a concise and sequential guide for all objectives, puzzles, collectibles, achievements, and Lost Records: Bloom & Rage best dialogue choices (including possible consequences).
Also, Swann's camcorder is the key to unlocking most of the game's "collectibles", so it's highly recommended to be attentive during each instance and look for things to film whenever possible.
Important Note: This walkthrough currently covers up through the end of Tape 1 (Bloom). It will be promptly updated with the content of Tape 2 (Rage) once the remainder of the game's story is released on April 15, 2025. Bookmark this page as we'll update it as soon as Tape 2 is out.
Scene 1 & 2 - 'Expectations' and 'Memory Lane'
Swann Arrives at Blue Spruce Bar in Velvet Cove (Present Day)
- As Swann Holloway talks to her mom on the phone about returning to Michigan after 27 years, at one point, her mom will bring up the cat she had as a child and ask what its name was. Choose what its name was:
- Pumpkin
- Snowy
- Shadow
- This will unlock the 'Schrodinger's Cat' achievement (Gave your cat a name)
- After you end the conversation with Swann's mom, shut the car off and then interact with the door handle to leave the car.
- Pick up the Flashlight during the flashback
- Look at everything around the bar with an interact icon to 'Reminisce' and hear audible flashbacks of Swann and her friends, a reference to "Bloom and Rage", and a mysterious person named Corey.
- Enter the Blue Spruce Bar to cue a flashback to 1995
Scene 3 - 'Swann Holloway, 1995'
Swann's Bedroom (1995)
- Explore Swann's bedroom and take your time to interact with everything you can
- Pet Swann's Cat (the name you chose in the previous conversation will be indicated)
- Pick up the empty videotape case lying next to Swann's cat; you need to find The Dark Crystal tape that goes inside it so Swann can return it.
- Inspect Swann's Alarm Clock by her bed at 10:10 to unlock the 'Gordon, it's 10:10 am' achievement
- Pick up the tape case lying on the floor to the right of Swann's bed; open it to find The Dark Crystal tape inside.
- Go to Swann's closet and pick out the outfit you want her to wear
- Go over to Swann's desk and pick up the Snack sitting on it
- Interact with Swann's backpack sitting by the desk to pack the Snack and Videotape into it
- Go over to the TV and interact with the Camcorder; push the Cassette in to start the filming process
- Go over to Swann's cat on the bed and select Record to film him until the gauge fills
- Choose what you want to call the recording ('Meowmoir' is a very good choice)
- Film Swann's cat again lying on the storage chest
- View the Memoir tutorial for future instances and the one you just took to unlock the 'Directorial Debut' achievement (Watched your very first Memoir compilation)
- Next, film Swann's room for her to have as a memento; gather at least four different recordings around the room. There are several options to choose from, so shoot some extra footage.
- Go to your Memoir menu to view what you've filmed. Choose one of the four default clips and 'Replace' it with another clip to unlock the 'Memory Remix' achievement (Replaced footage in a Memoir).
- Interact with Pumpkin on the bed to progress and cue a chance to film the cardinal sitting on a branch outside Swann's window.
- Film a Collectible Memoir of it to unlock the 'Blank Tape' achievement (Discovered your very first Collectible Memoir)
- Leave Swann's room
Scene 4 - 'Welcome to Velvet Cove'
Swann's Park Adventure (1995)
- After sitting at the counter in Blue Spruce Bar (present day), interact with the deer head hanging on the back wall to trigger a flashback back to 1995
- Record a memoir of the deer behind the fence at Mikaelson Ranch and select "All Done!" when finished.
- After Swann happens upon some geese at a nearby pond, film another clip of them as a group. Select "All Done!" when finished.
- Take the Granola Bar from Swann's pack to eat it
- Select "Get Up" when ready to leave
- Film the Squirrel on the tree in the next section until the memoir is complete
- Before you leave the area, explore for other things to film for your memoir collection, such as:
- the bird on the log to your right
- the partial skull bone lying on the ground near the log
- the broken fence with graffiti on the path towards the tree where the squirrel was; film it to unlock the 'Graffiti' category along with the arrows nearby for another 'Hunting' entry
- Leave the area by going left past the squirrel's tree and the nearby park sign towards a log you can leap over
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) - Find a Charger
- After returning to the present, look down at Swann's phone when given the chance to trigger a request for a charger
- Get up from the bar and look around to 'Reminisce' at various spots, such as the football flag on the wall and the karaoke stage
- You can unlock the 'Once More, With Feeling' achievement by Reminiscing 10 different times
- When ready, head to the bathroom at the far right side of the bar and trigger the next flashback.
Scene 5 - 'The Day We Met'
Movie Palace and Yooper Scooper Ice Cream Shop (1995)
- After the next cutscene, walk around the right side of the Movie Palace building
- Climb the ladder to the roof
- Explore the area; film the not-so-nice graffiti about Dean and Autumn at the front side by the tent for a 'Graffiti' entry
- Film the tent itself for the Movie Palace Memoir
- Film five areas total around the roof for Swann's Movie Palace Memoir; film the House Finch bird sitting on the right side of the room for a 'Bird' entry
- Film the pants graffiti etched into a nearby wood plank for another 'Graffiti' entry
- Film the Velvet Cove Water Tower south of the building (the one with giant antlers) for the secret 'Water Tower' memoir category
- Leave the roof and film the Ring-billed Seagull standing on a trash pile near the dumpster in the back for another 'Bird' entry.
- Make sure to view your Movie Palace footage; re-order the clips once to unlock the 'Editor' achievement
- Call Swann's mom on the pay phone by the Movie Palace entrance
- Head over to the Yooper Scooper nearby and talk to Autumn to trigger a cutscene with her and Nora
- Important: Certain dialogue choices will affect Swann's relationships with friends such as Autumn and Nora going forward, so choose carefully.
- Ask Autumn "what the rush is to close" the Yooper Scooper (your friendship with Autumn will improve)
- At one point, the scene switches back to the present time at the bar right as an older Autumn walks out of the bathroom and bumps into Swann.
- Choose whether to shake her hand or give her a hug. (your choice will affect your friendship with her).
- Right after, the scene switches back to the past at the Yooper Scooper. Make sure you finish your Movie Palace Memoir before moving on.
- Film Nora behind the Yooper Scooper while Autumn closes the shop to unlock the 'Strangers' Collectible Memoir category
- Use the opening in the wire fence behind Movie Palace
- Film the red balloon stuck on the fence.
- Dylan, sitting nearby, will approach Swann and interrogate her about voyeuristically filming her instead of the balloon which floated away.
- Soon, Dylan's boyfriend Corey arrives and bullies Swann; several dialogue options will occur in sequence; choose the defiant options for positive results (a sprout icon means your choice impacts the future in some way)
- Choose to go to the movies with Nora and Autumn as a means of escape
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) - Reuniting With Autumn

- Back in the present, go to the booth Autumn is sitting at in the far back left corner and sit down
- Choose "So still chubby and awkward, then?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve)
- Choose the "I'm ready to face whatever we dig up" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve)
Scene 6 - 'The First Night'
Abandoned Playground (1995) - Finding Autumn's Keys
- Various character-specific dialogue options will appear as Swann gets to know Autumn, Nora, and Kat at the playground. Look at each character and choose an answer to pique their interest and improve your friendships.
- Offer to film Nora smoking on the swing (friendship with Nora will improve).
- Turn camcorder flashlight on and help search for Autumn's keys.
- During the search, you can talk again to Nora, who subtly starts to flirt with Swann; whether you accept or reject her flirtations will impact your friendship with her
- Film the graffiti on the highway pillar by the torn fence on the right side of the playground
- Attempt to go through the fence hole, but Swann will refuse. However, her older self mentions that they came back to it later (remember this).
- Go over to the rocketship jungle gym and aim Swann's camcorder at the top when promoted; Autumn's keys are at the top
- Briefly back at the Blue Spruce Bar, tell older Autumn that the four of them meeting "felt like a magnetic pull" (will improve friendship with Autumn).
- Back at the playground (1995), search for something to help knock the keys off the jungle gym
- First, cover the broken sewer grate below the rocket jungle gym with a piece of cardboard lying nearby.
- Talk to Kat over by the sewer drain for more personal dialogue
- Offer a sleepover to Kat, who offers to take a rain check (friendship with Kat improves)
- Go back over to the torn fence hole that Autumn is standing next to and interact to trigger a cutscene where the two of them cross to the other side
- Choose the "I wish I could've stopped him" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Follow Autumn to the board with ominous graffiti and film it.
- Go through the tunnel ahead and explore.
- When Autumn and Swann talk about pets, respond with the "I like all critters" options (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Go around the tent to the back, where there are two spots of graffiti next to each other; film both of them.
- Pick up the broken Brick on the ground and walk back with Autumn.
- Choose the "family of raccoons" dialogue option after the jumpscare (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "I'm glad we got to hang out more" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Shine the camcorder light on the keys to help Autumn aim the brick at them.
- Grab the brick from the mud nearby after she misses.
- Shine the light again, and the keys will drop onto the cardboard if you placed it on the grate before.
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) - Catching Up With Autumn
- Choose the "no worries" dialogue option when Autumn apologizes for texting her boss (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Examine things around t.he table; look at Autumn's keys to unlock the 'Butterfly Effect' achievement.
- Offer to get drinks, which will trigger a sequence of flashback film clips with Autumn in 1995.
- Choose the "What makes you happy?" dialogue option during the third clip (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "You're doing great!" or "You look so good on camera" dialogue option during the fourth clip (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "No, this is serious!" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "Who's this friend?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "Is she like a sister to you?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- Choose the "What is your wildest dream?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves).
- At the end of the sequence, the 'New Beginnings' achievement will automatically unlock.

- Order Autumn's favorite drink (per the flashbacks), which is a rum and coke. What Swann orders for herself is inconsequential..
- 'Reminisce' at the music playing on the speaker above the bar to trigger another filmed flashback in Swann's bedroom.
Scene 7 - 'Autumn Lockhart, 1995'
Swann's Bedroom (1995) - Starting a Memoir

- Choose the name for Swann's filmed memoir from the three provided options; your choice will be remembered but otherwise not consequential.
- Choose the "Nora's funny!" or "Nora's pretty!" dialogue option when talking about her on camera (either will improve friendship with Nora).
- Choose "Autumn's so cool!" dialogue option when talking about her on camera (will improve friendship with her).
- Choose the "Kat is so smart" dialogue option when talking about her on camera (will improve friendship with her).
- Choose the "I hope we stay friends" dialogue option (improves friendship with all).
Scene 8 - 'Reunion'
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) and Nora's Garage Lair (1995)
- Offer to pay for the drinks up front or start a tab.
- When Pam comes up and sits at the bar, tell her your name (this will start a new friendship; sprout icon). If you choose to walk away, the opportunity will be missed.
- Pick up your drinks from the bar and go back to Autumn's booth; Autumn will appreciate it being her favorite drink.
- When Autumn offers a toast, choose the "cheers to our reunion!" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve).
- Choose the "I missed you" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve).
- Choose the "I understand, it's a lot" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve).
- Choose the "other side of the lake" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve).
- Choose the "Oh, you have a son!" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve).
- 'Reminisce' at the strange package to trigger a flashback.
Scene 9 - 'Garage Band'
Nora's Garage Lair (1995)
- Knock on the garage door until Swann opens it herself
- Choose the "this place is awesome!" dialogue option (friendship with all improves)
- Choose the "Corey sucks!" dialogue option (friendship with all improves)
- Move the Skateboard and Videogame Console out of the way so Swann can get closer to the band
- Choose the "How about a road trip?" dialogue option (friendship with all improves)
- Record Swann's 'Nora's Lair' Memoir by filming five different clips around the garage; spots highlighted in pink will qualify
- Go to Nora after and select "That's a wrap!"
- Go over to Kat and engage in a conversation
- Choose the "Cool, you saw a Wendigo!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Check the Media Tower by the TV for Nora's pick in the Vortex Club tape case
- You can also check the Shadow Legion's case to see Nora's stash of weed; choose the "Nora's an outlaw!" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
- When you find Nora's guitar picks, choose any of the three options (does not affect friendship or have consequences)
- Bring the guitar pick to Nora
- Choose the "your makeup looks cool!" dialogue option (friendship with Nora improves)
- Choose the "let's go together" dialogue option when Nora mentions going to the mall (friendship with Nora improves)
- Sit in the chair nearby to watch the band
- When Swann is asked about her favorite band choose the "more into movies" dialogue option (friendship with all improves)
- While briefly back in the present, choose either movie genre when asked by Autumn (both have positive outcomes)
- Back in the past, choose the "Sorry!" dialogue option after Swann knocks over the drum board (friendship with Autumn improves)
- Choose the "If I had balance, I'd try" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves)
- Press the switch at the top right of the drum board to start
- Next, choose which sample you like most from the red button on the left of the board, then which options you want for each drum setting (Kick, Snare, Toms, Hi-Hat)
- After the play session, Kat comes up with a new name for the band - Bloom and Rage
Scene 10 - 'Lights, Camera, Action!'
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) and Forest Music Video (1995)
- After Autumn gets up from the booth to take her call, 'Examine' the strange package
- Turn the box over and 'Examine' the Trailside Light ad on the underside to trigger another flashback
- Follow Nora, Kat, and Autumn through the park to find a spot for the music video
- When Nora lights a cigarette, a dialogue prompt will pop up about Swann asking to try weed with them; if you click it in time, you'll get a friendship boost
- Record six different clips for Swann's 'Forest Girls' memoir; simply film clips of the girls separately and together as they move around
- Film one of the Great Blue Heron birds standing in the pond and the deer nearby for Swann's collection
- Go through the gap between the two big rocks on the right side of the area to progress
- In the next area, film the deer hunting tower behind the fence for Swann's collection
- Continue along the path, and when the group stops, go down the right path to see a rusted motorbike with a Magpie bird sitting above it; film it for Swann's collection
- Interact with the rusted bike to have Kat and Nora film the 'Lover's Bike' Memoir; film three different clips of them acting the scene
- For the finale, suggest either a stage kiss or a real kiss between Nora and Kat
- When done, run over down the left path and film a clip of the rifle shell casings lying on a shirt nearby
- Follow the other fork on the path and interact with the ridge ahead to suggest another clip for the music video
- Film Autumn and Nora on the ridge three times as they play air riffs
- You'll have dialogue options to encourage both Nora and Autumn while they play; these will impact your friendships
- Choose the "it'll look great layered with music" dialogue option to assure them (friendship improves with both)
- Film Autumn doing her cartwheel if you haven't already (will improve friendship with Autumn)
- Go over to the final path that gives you the option to 'Leave' and select it
- Film Kat, Nora, and Autumn as they cross the log bridge leading to the overlook. Get two clips to complete the memoir.
- Choose to follow either Nora or Autumn to the overlook or wait for Kat who opts to catch up later. Your choice will improve your friendship with that person.
- During the overlook scene, choose the "never had any friends like you" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
- Choose the "I feel old now" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
Scene 11 - 'Movie Night!'
Back at Nora's Garage and A Cabin in the Woods (1995)
- Back at Nora's garage, find the right channel on the TV to watch the music video (Channel 13)
- Choose the "I'm so excited!" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
- Hit 'Play' on the camcorder
- Choose the "It's a personal thing" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
- Hit 'Rewind' on the camcorder to roll the footage back
- Press 'Play' and watch the full video
- Afterward, the group will ask Swann who acted the best in the video; your friendship will improve with whomever you choose
Scene 12 - 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark'
Swann and Her Friends Get Lost at Night (1995)
- During the flashback of being lost in the forest, use Swann's camcorder light to find your way through the woods until the light starts flashing
- After the brief cutscene, continue searching with the group; this is a good opportunity to get more 'Spotlight' clips of everyone
Scene 13 - 'A Cabin in the Woods'
Swann and the Group Investigate the Cabin (1995)
- Head towards the cabin; explore after the cutscene
- Chose the "we have so much in common" dialogue option when Kat talks about having people to do stuff with (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Go around to the right side of the cabin and 'Move' the broken piece of wood with Kat
- Go further back behind the cabin to the wooden outhouse; look for the Hook hanging on the side of it
- Have Kat help grab the Hook
- Explore further around the back to find items like wind chimes in a tree and a broken bridge; this inspires more dialogue with Kat and chances to improve your friendship
- Go back to the boarded-up window
- Once inside, go over to the front door (towards the light) to take back the camcorder
Cabin Combination Lock Puzzle (1995)
- To solve the combination lock on the door, you need to turn each dial to the correct symbol in order
- There are drawn symbols all over the cabin, but some are false trails; you need to figure out the correct ones for the lock
- To do that, look for the "old sheet" hanging on the support beam in the middle of the cabin; it will have a series of drawn pictures that are numbered
- This tells you not only which symbols to focus on but also the order they go in
- First, find the symbol by the cabin's front door - the Eye (this one is already done on the lock for you)
- Next, find the symbol by the ladder. This is at the trapdoor on the ceiling by the kitchen area. Pull it down to reveal a ladder leading up to the attic.
- Climb up there and turn to find a Moon symbol on the wall behind you
- While you're in the attic, go over to the big opening in the roof and film the Crow sitting on a rock on the lake in the distance (zoom in to get the shot)
- Return to the main area and pick up the can on the far left side of the kitchen counter (left of the bigger Little Tommy Rolled Oats can)
- Turn it over to find the Leaf symbol on the bottom
- The final symbol is found near the bear trap hanging on the far back wall. Interact with it to see the Star symbol behind it.
- Go back to the combination lock on the door and put the correct symbols in the following order: Eye, Moon, Leaf, Star
Scene 14 - 'Phone a Friend'
Swann Prepares For Cabin Trip (1995)
- Choose whose number to call on Swann's phone; your choice leads to a sequence of dialogue with the character with lots of opportunities to improve your friendship
- Choose the outfit you want Swann to wear from her closet
- Grab the Cat Treats sitting on the floor near the cat tree by the bedroom door
- Pick out treats for Swann's friends from the snack box on her bed
- Open the chest by the window; take all of the items inside
- Choose which sticker sheet Swann likes better
- Go to the bookshelf and grab "The Willowtree Coven" book for Kat
- Put everything in Swann's backpack
- Leave the room
Scene 15 - 'This Old House'
Cleaning the Cabin and the Lake (1995)
- Once back inside the cabin, shoot four clips for Swann's 'Dirty Cabin' Memoir
- When you're done, go towards the front door and select 'All Done!' to progress
- Help clean the cabin by clearing all of the spiderwebs in each area
- You can talk to Nora by the kitchen for some extra dialogue
- Choose the "shy around girls" dialogue choice (friendship with Nora improves)
- Choose the "(move moth) don't move" dialogue choice (friendship with Nora improves)
- Offer Autumn help; choose the "need some help?" dialogue choice (friendship with Autumn improves)
- Choose the "I like being alone" dialogue choice (friendship with Autumn improves)
- Offer to clean up either the bones or the mushrooms in the fireplace
- Choose the "You don't have to be alone" dialogue choice (friendship with Autumn improves
- Clean the fireplace until it's empty
- Go to Swann's backpack by the front door and unpack it
- While in the present, choose the "memories are fleeting" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn improves)
- After going back to the present again, choose the color you wanted for the banner
- If you choose purple, your friendship with Autumn will improve; choosing either of the other colors will improve your friendship with the respective person
- Choose the spot for the last sticker on the banner; it will be the stickers from the sheet you chose earlier in Swann's bedroom
Scene 16 - 'Echoes of Summer'
Exploring the Lake (1995)
- Down at the lake, film a 'Scenic View' shot of the lake and zoom in to film the Mallard bird swimming in the water
- You can also turn and film the cabin to unlock the 'Woodland Ruins' category (if you haven't already)
- Turn on Nora's radio
- Follow the sequence of activities with the group by pressing buttons when necessary
- Important: At certain points, there will be an opportunity to do something personal for your closest friend in the group, such as giving them a flower and drawing them. Your choice will have a substantial impact on their friendship.
- Near the end of the sequence, you'll be asked to pick the name of the cabin hideout - Fawn's Curse or Fawn's Rest
- Film four clips for your hideout memoir; choose the "not for hunters anymore" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Go over to the front door and select "All done!" to progress
Scene 17 - 'Nora Malakian, 1995'
Interview With Nora and Kat's Song (1995)
- Choose which stone you want Nora to use for your bracelet
- At one point, she mentions wanting to get a piercing for her birthday and asks for Swann's opinion. Your choice will impact her decision.
Scene 18 - 'Bloom...'
Blue Spruce Bar (Present Day) - Remembering the Song and the Blood Pact (1995)
- When back in the present, choose the "you were looking out for her" dialogue option when Autumn regrets shooting down Nora's rockstar dream
- Sit in the booth next to Autumn to progress
- Back in the woods, follow Kat and the group to her destination and sit in the fairy circle with them
- Choose the "Maybe it was the Wendigo!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- When back in the present again, choose whether Kat wrote the song for "justice or "vengeance" (either choice will impact the future)
- Help Autumn with the next song lyric
- Back in the woods, when Nora offers Kat's switchblade to Swann, choose whether to participate in "sealing the curse" or not
- Your choice will impact future events
Reuniting With Nora (Present Day)
- When older Nora shows up to the table, choose the "You look the same!" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
- Choose the "I'm happy you made it" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
- Back in the woods, film the group singing the new song for the memoir
- Choose the "Cheers to us!" dialogue option (friendship with both Autumn and Nora improves)
- Choose the "a lot changed" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve while friendship with Nora will decrease)
- If you choose the "Autumn never liked fame" dialogue option, it will be the reverse
- When Nora shows a picture of her family, choose the "your kids are adorable" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
- Next, choose the "it looks lovely" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
- Go to the bar for Swann's phone; talk to Pam and the bartender while you're there
- Choose the "you two would make a good team" dialogue option (will impact the future)
- Go back and sit down with Autumn and Nora
- Choose the "How do you feel, Nora?" dialogue option (friendship with Nora will improve)
Scene 19 - 'Packing Up'
Swann's Bedroom and Lake Firepit(1995)
- Film the Mothgirl toy to unlock the 'Mothgirl Chronicles' category
- Pet Swann's cat lying on the desk to unlock the 'Geez-o-Meow' achievement
- Check Swann's Secret Spot under the bed; inside will be a small drawing one of three girls (the one you have the strongest friendship with so far)
- While talking with the girls at the firepit, choose the "you chose a deal with the devil!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Choose the "chicken butt!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Choose the "we'll find a way to go together" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
- Choose Swann's dream destination; your choice will impact the future
- Back in the present at Blue Spruce Bar, choose the "traveling alone is empowering" dialogue option (friendship with both Nora and Autumn will improve)
- Choose the "I'll send you some books Autumn" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve)
- Back in 1995, after the other girls leave, go over to the mossy rock left of the firepit and place Mothgirl on it for a film clip (Mothgirl Chronicles)
- If you follow the path to the right of the firepit, you can find a Squirrel and Northern Cardinal to film if you haven't already.
- Take the back path to head to the cabin
Scene 20 - 'Double Dare'
Cabin Sleepover (1995)

- Once inside, go over and say hi to Kat
- Go over to Autumn and choose the "What else should we do tonight?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve)
- Light the fireplace to progress
- During Truth or Dare, choose the "Pick me!" dialogue option (friendship with all will improve)
- When back in the present, choose which truth Swann was faced with during the game
- Back in 1995, choose your biggest fear
- Pick the next person for Truth or Dare; your choice will improve that respective person's friendship
- Once it's Swann's turn, pick either Truth or Dare
- If you choose Dare, Kat will dare Swann to do Bloody Mary in the outhouse behind the cabin
- If you agree to repeat "Bloody Mary" up to 13 times, you will unlock the 'Here's Mary!' achievement
- Once back in the present at the bar, ask either Nora or Autumn what they remember that night (friendship will improve with either person)
- Look over at the moths circling a light outside nearby to progress
Scene 21 - 'The Abyss'
Finding Kat (1995)
- While looking for Kat, film the strange Moonlit Moths four times for the 'Moonlit Moths' Memoir
- Follow the moths as they move around the area; the last spot to film them is by the lake
- While by the lake, follow the moths toward a strangely lit bush and go through it
- Follow the path until you find Kat; you can take a 'Spotlight' clip of her before getting too close
- When prompted, choose the "(whisper) Kat" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve). If you shout, she won't like it.
- After the cutscene, film the strange hole in the ground and things around it (e.g. - the broken trees, strange flowers) for the 'Anomaly' Memoir; be careful not to get too close to Kat before you're done or you'll lose your chance to finish it
- When prompted, choose either the "Pandemonium" or "Wonderland" dialogue option; either one will impact the future
- When hearing rustling noises nearby, wait until you get the prompts for Autumn and Nora and choose either (your friendship with either will improve)
- When prompted, choose either the "blood ritual worked" or "maybe a coincidence" dialogue option
- "Blood Ritual Worked" - Will improve your friendship with Kat while negatively affecting Nora and Autumn
- "Maybe a Coincidence" - Will improve your friendships with Nora and Autumn while negatively affecting Kat
- Choose what to call the exchange with the "abyss" Kat talks about; your choice will impact the future
- At the end of the sequence, you will automatically unlock 'The Abyss' achievement (Tape 1)
Kat Reveals Bikini Kill Tickets and Another Fight With Corey (1995)

- After Kat reveals the tickets to Bikini Kill, examine the ticket to progress
- When Corey shows up to take Kat home, choose either the "tell him you couldn't find her" or "get bent" dialogue option; both will impact the future
- Choose either the "trash your bike" or "she doesn't need a ride" dialogue option; both will impact the future
- When prompted, film Corey as evidence of attempted kidnapping
- Back in the woods, choose whether Swann's wish is to "be strong" or "be free"; either choice will impact the future
Scene 22 - 'Doubts'
Playing Pool with Autumn and Nora (Present Day)

- After the sequence brings you back to the present, follow Nora and Autumn to play a round of pool
- Grab the Pool Cue from the back wall (left of the table, not the one behind Nora and Autumn)
- Choose the "what was your wish, Autumn?" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn will improve)
- Choose the "working on a psychological horror" dialogue option (friendship with Autumn and Nora will improve)
- Choose which ball to hit on the pool table to progress
Scene 23 - 'Kat(rhyn) Mikaelsen, 1995'
Swann Interviews Kat at the Playground (1995)
- Choose the "it'll be cool, I promise!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Next, choose the "you sneak out of your house" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Next, choose the "you hate the ranch too" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Next, choose the "We should make a zine!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Choose the "Who's Gertie?" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- Choose the "Did you bring it home?" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- When Kat talks about taking her Dad's truck to the show, choose the "good idea!" dialogue option (friendship with Kat will improve)
- When you gain control of Swann, use the opportunity to film some clips around the playground for Swann's collection; you can unlock and complete the 'Forgotten Playground' Memoir (six clips)
- There are also two instances of graffiti you can film near the train on the right side of the playground
- If you haven't already, you can unlock the 'Home Movie' achievement by completing your first Collectible Memoir
- You can also get another 'Spotlight' clip of Kat before you go talk to her
- Go over to the yellow slide and place the Mothgirl toy on it for another 'Mothgirl Chronicles' entry
- When you're ready, go over to Kat and select "That's a Wrap!"
Scene 24 - 'Riot Grrrls'
A Chance at Romance and Preparing for the Show (1995)
- In the next sequence, Kat offers to do your makeup for the show and asks you to choose a theme; your choice will impact the future
- IMPORTANT - READ FIRST: Kat will scoot closer and reveal that she has a confession to make to Swann. While this was our outcome for this playthrough, the friendship you focused on most for your playthrough (whether Kat, Nora, or Autumn) will be reflected in this sequence. This will be your opportunity for a romantic connection with them, and your dialogue choice here will impact that outcome. If you prefer not to pursue a romance, you can choose one of the other dialogue options.
- During the next scene, pick the color you want to spray the show lights with; your choice will impact the future
Setting up the First Bloom and Rage Concert (1995)
- Follow Kat and Autumn to the fence on the left of Bruce Spruce Bar to find power for their concert gear
- Go over to the nearby payphone and interact with it to suggest that Kat call Dylan for help. Kat hesitates and Autumn suggests looking around more for another solution.
- Choose whether to rely on Dylan or look around more when prompted; your choice will impact the situation's outcome
- If you choose to look around more (the safer option) in one of the nearby dumpsters, you can 'Move' a piece of cardboard to get a Fire Extinguisher to break the gate lock
- Alternatively, go over to Corey's bike nearby and examine his bag. Inspect the Pager inside for a slip that has the lock's combination on it (see the screenshot above).
- Go over to the lock on the gate and choose whether to break it (Kat's preference) or unlock it with the combination (Autumn's preference)
- If you opt to use the combination, you will need to know it by memory, so use the screenshot above to help
- Follow Kat and Autumn inside and hang a right once you reach the back. Across from the covered boat will be a crate with an Extension Cord. Take it.
- Go back around the corner and through the back door of the building. Inside will be an Outlet near the fuse box. Plug the cord in.
- When Autumn says it's not working, look at the Breaker Panel near the outlet and open it.
Breaker Box Puzzle (1995)
- When you open the Breaker Panel, you'll notice that two fuses are missing. To get the power going, you need to find the missing fuses and place them in the fuse box.
- Thankfully, both fuses are very close by. One is on the shelf directly to the right (seen above), while the other is on the ground to the left (also seen above).
- Once you have them both, go back to the fuse box and place them in both empty spots.
- Next, you need to adjust each of the fuses until the light for all of them turns green simultaneously.
- Before you leave the room, make sure to film the fuse box as part of the 'Setting the Stage' Memoir
Return to the Stage and Start the Show (1995)
- On your way back to the front, film the covered boat for another 'Setting the Stage' Memoir entry
- Place the Bloom and Rage stickers in four places around the bar (employee door, payphone, plant box by the front entrance, car trunk)
- Film the umbrella employee table by the gate for another 'Setting the Stage' Memoir entry
- Go back towards the front and film the bar occupants now outside for the 'Strangers' category
Scene 25 - '...& Rage'
Kat's Rage and Sickness (1995) - Tape 1 Ending
- When Corey confronts Kat and Swann, choose any dialogue option
- When ready, approach the drum board to start the concert
- Once prompted, start filming the concert and obtain seven clips for the memoir
- When the power is cut, and both Corey and Dylan confront the girls, a prompt will have Swann choose whether to accept responsibility or allude that it was Kat's idea
- Either option will impact the future but not your friendship with Kat
- SPOILER: During the following sequence, after Kat collapses, Dylan reveals that Kat has leukemia with not much time left and blames the group for pushing her to a breakdown. Corey and Dylan leave with an unconscious Kat, while Autumn, Nora, and Swann are left speechless.
- Back in the present day at the bar, Autumn, Nora, and Swann will see their younger selves standing in the same spot outside, a likely culmination of supernatural power and their recalled memories. Afterward, credits will roll, and this signals the end of Tape 1 and the midpoint of the game.
- After the credits, you will see your official status with Autumn, Nora, and Kat. If you romance one of them, they will have the 'Something More' status, while the others will have variations of friendship (BFFs, New Friend, or We're Cool).
- Toggle the epoch to see your status with present-day Nora and Autumn while Kat remains unknown
- After viewing all of your stats, the 'Tape 1: BLOOM' and 'The Last Note' achievements will automatically unlock.
Lost Records Bloom and Rage TLDR
To make it easier for you to find answers, puzzles and collectibles, you can check out our concise TLDR for Lost Records: Bloom and Rage below.
- Where is the Dark Crystal tape?
- Inside the tape case on the floor to the right of Swann's be.
- How to get the Gordon, it's 10:10am achievement?
- During Scene 3 in Swann's bedroom inspect Swann's Alarm Clock at 10:10.
- How to get the Geez-o-Meow achievement?
- Pet Swann's cat during multiple instances.
- How to knock the keys off the jungle gym?
- Cover the sewer grate with cardboard you find nearby.
- Go through the tunnel, around the tent and pick up a brick.
- Shine the light on the jungle gym while Autumn throws the brick.
- How to become friends with Pam?
- When Pam sits at the bar in Scene 8, choose to tell her your name.
- Which channel on the TV to watch the music video on?
- Channel 13
- What is the cabin door combination?
- Eye, Moon, Leaf, Star
- How to get the Here's Mary achievement?
- When you're playing Truth or Dare, pick the dare and agree to repeat Bloody Mary three times.
- How to open the gate at Blue Spruce bar?
- Break the lock with the fire extinguisher.
- Ask Dylan for the code
- Steal the code from Corey's bike
- The code is Up, Right, Left, Up, Down.
- Where to place the Bloom and Rage stickers?
- Employee door
- Payphone
- Plant box by the entrance
- Car trunk
That concludes our full walkthrough for Lost Records: Bloom and Rage. Be sure to check out How to Save & Replay Scenes in Lost Records at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 18, 2025 03:02 am