Philosophies of Order

Philosophies of Order

To obtain Philosophies of Order, you need to challenge the Domain of Mastery: Chiming Recitation on level four at the Pale Forgotten Glory Domain in Fontaine's underwater region.

The game recommends your party level be 88+ to challenge Domain of Mastery: Chiming Recitation IV. It is only available on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. To claim the rewards, you'll need to spend 20 Resin or use a Condensed Resin to receive double. You do not have to claim the rewards if you choose not to do so.

You may not always receive Philosophies of Order when you complete this Domain, but you will always receive Teachings and Guides to Equity that you can use to create Philosophies of Order at a Crafting Table.

Check the image below for the Domain's exact location:

Image by Pro Game Guides

The shield of the Nation of Water is order. All law in Fontaine ultimately serves to maintain a stable order. Equity and justice come from order, and serve order. Like the still, ripple-less surface of the waters of Fontaine, order is the cornerstone of Fontaine's existence.

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Table of Contents
Rarity 4
Type Talent Level-Up Material


This material is used by the following characters for Talent upgrades: