The thing about open-world games is that it's hard to estimate how much content the game offers. With Watch Dogs: Legion recently released, we can guarantee gamers everywhere are asking how long it takes to beat it. Does it have enough content for us to properly sink our teeth into it, with a plethora of side missions to accomplish as well as the main story? Well, we've got you covered.
How long to beat?
Watch Dogs: Legion will take roughly between 15-25 hours to beat it, depending on if you have enabled permadeath mode or not. For the casual player strolling through the story, completing side missions, and visiting tourist attractions throughout near-future London, then 15-25 is a reasonable length of time to finish it. However, if you are recruiting everyone you can and trying to get the best operatives available, this can vastly increase playtime, as there is a nigh-infinite number you can recruit.
If playing on permadeath mode, then caution and tension will become an old friend, as this will more than likely double or even triple your playtime, once again depending on the operatives you have available. If your most reliable operatives are dead, and you're left with average ones remaining, this will increase the length of completion, as the game will get noticeably more difficult.
Luckily, the game is broken down into chapters, and each of these story arcs is further broken down into missions. These missions must be completed to reach the end of the main story content. In those 15-25 hours, you could easily unlock all Watch Dogs: Legion trophies and achievements as they are not hard to accomplish. Though even after you complete it, you should truly soak in the sights of London, especially if you live or been there, as Watch Dogs: Legion map size is pretty big, and the distances between the game and real-life are shortened by about 30% from being true to scale.
Published: Oct 29, 2020 04:13 am