Watch Dogs: Legion takes the franchise to Great Britain to the heart of London, well in this case, near-future London. In this open-world game, you are Dedsec, a group of hackers rebelling against a surveillance company that has taken control of the capital. On your liberation mission, you can take control of numerous operatives around the city, from the hitman operative inspired by John Wick down to the spy. Of course, shoot outs and encounters are plentiful, so it's best to save quite often, so no progress is lost, but how do you do it exactly?
How to save your game in Watch Dogs: Legion
To save in Watch Dogs: Legion, there are a few ways to go about it; the quickest way is to fast travel as this will instantly save your progress, or you can complete a mission or leave your Safe House. There is no manual save option in the game, so you cannot save multiple times and then load back to early points if things go awry. To ultimately make sure that progress is auto-saved, we advise you to fast travel to a Tube Station.
When the game is saving, a little icon will appear in the corner of the screen, so every time you see this symbol, you can breathe a breath of relief as the game will be auto-saved. Always make sure you see this icon before quitting the game, as no one wants to load back up and see progress has been lost.
Luckily Watch Dogs: Legion autosave mechanic is pretty spot-on. The game is known for crashing quite often on PC; however, it will more often than not create an autosave before this happens, so minimal progress will be lost. For those of you wondering if you can save-scum while playing with permadeath enabled? You cannot, with complete certainty, as we said above, the game will constantly save in the background, so every decision you make, every operative that dies, you have to live with those consequences.
Published: Oct 30, 2020 03:06 am