Once you have your wand at the ready and your spells organized, you'll be all ready to set off on your Hogwarts Legacy adventure. However, you'll probably want to brush up on all the controls before you do, so you know just how to interact and navigate the world. All platforms are a little bit different, but once you start playing, you'll pick it up in no time.
All PC, PS5, and Xbox Controls for Hogwarts Legacy

You can check your controls on your platform at any time by opening the Field Guide menu and switching over to the Settings tab. It will be on the left side third buttons away from the bottom.
While Xbox and PlayStation controls aren't too much different, PC has a whole lot more options due to their being more buttons to press. It also happens to be one of the only platforms you can rebind keys. Here are all the defaults controls for each:
All Xbox Controls in Hogwarts Legacy
- Menu Button: Access Field Guide
- View Button: Access Map
- LB + RB: Ancient Magic
- (HOLD) LT: Aim
- (HOLD) LB: Open Tool Wheel
- (TAP) LB: Use Tool
- (HOLD) RT: Activate Spell Set
- (TAP) RT: Basic Cast
- RT + A, B, Y, X: Use Actions
- RT + D-pad: Select Spell Set
- RB: Ancient Magic Throw
- (TAP) Y: Protego
- (HOLD) Y: Block and Stupefy
- B: Perform Dodge Roll
- A: Perform Jump
- X: Interact
- (TAP) D-pad Up: Charmed Compass
- (HOLD) D-pad Up: Quest Info
- D-pad Down: Heal
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Spell Menu
- RS: Move Camera
- RS In: Enable and Disable Lock On
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Sprint
Broom Controls:
- LS: Move left and right
- RS: Move up and down, Move Camera
- LT: Boost
- RT: Accelerate
- (HOLD) D-pad Up: Quest Info
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Broom Controls
- B: Dismount
Ground Mount:
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Sprint
- RS: Move Camera
- RT: Accelerate
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Mount Controls
- B: Dismount
Flying Mount:
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Fast Flight
- RS: Move Camera
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Mount Controls
- RT: Fast Flight
- A: Take Off
- B: Dismount
Related: How to jump in Hogwarts Legacy
All PS5 Controls in Hogwarts Legacy
- Pause/Options: Access Field Guide
- Touchpad: Access Map
- L1 + R1: Ancient Magic
- (HOLD) L2: Aim
- (HOLD) L1: Open Tool Wheel
- (TAP) L1: Use Tool
- (HOLD) R2: Activate Spell Set
- (TAP) R2: Basic Cast
- R2 + X, O, Triangle, Square: Use Actions
- R2 + D-pad: Select Spell Set
- R1: Ancient Magic Throw
- (TAP) Triangle: Protego
- (HOLD) Triangle: Block and Stupefy
- O: Perform Dodge Roll
- X: Perform Jump
- Square: Interact
- (TAP) D-pad Up: Charmed Compass
- (HOLD) D-pad Up: Quest Info
- D-pad Down: Heal
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Spell Menu
- RS: Move Camera
- RS In: Enable and Disable Lock On
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Sprint
Broom Controls:
- LS: Move left and right
- RS: Move up and down, Move Camera
- L2: Boost
- R2: Accelerate
- (HOLD) D-pad Up: Quest Info
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Broom Controls
- O: Dismount
Ground Mount:
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Sprint
- RS: Move Camera
- R2: Accelerate
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Mount Controls
- O: Dismount
Flying Mount:
- LS: Move Avatar
- LS In: Fast Flight
- RS: Move Camera
- D-pad Left: Revelio
- D-pad Right: Mount Controls
- R2: Fast Flight
- X: Take Off
- O: Dismount
Related: How to rebind controller buttons in Hogwarts Legacy
All PC Controls in Hogwarts Legacy
- Mouse Left and Right, Up and Down/Arrow Keys: Move Camera
- WASD: Move Avatar
- Shift: Sprint
- C: Walk
- Spacebar: Jump
- Tab: Tool Wheel
- Esc: Acess Field Guide
- F: Interact
Tool Wheel:
- LMB: Confirm
- 1: Select Ground Mount
- 2: Select Flying Mount
- 3: Select Broom
- L: Acess Inventory
- I: Acess Gear
- U: Access Challenges
- J: Access Quests
- M: Access Map
- Y: Access Collections
- O: Access Owl Post
- T: Spell Selection
- N: Talents
- F10 or P: Settings
- H: Best Management
- C: Drop Item
- V: Sort Inventory
- F: Use/Inspect/Equip
- F: Change Gear Appearance
- F: Confirm Purchase
- M2: Preview Vendor Gear
- M2: Toggle Hood
- F: Interact
- M1: Basic Cast
- G: Heal
- R: Revelio
- V: Compass Path to Objetive
- M2: Aim
- Caps Lock: Lock On
- Q: Protego
- Ctrl: Dodge
- X: Activate Ancient Magic
- 1: Cast Spell 1
- 2: Cast Spell 2
- 3: Cast Spell 4
- 4: Cast Spell
- F1 or 5: Spell Set 1
- F2 or 6: Spell Set 2
- F3 or 7: Spell Set 3
- F4 or 8: Spell Set 4
- Mouse Wheel: Next & Previous Spell Set
- Z: Ancient Magic Throw
- S: Break Free Option 1
- A: Break Free Option 2
- D: Break Free Option 3
- W: Break Free Option 4
- WASD: Move Avatar
- Spacebar: Fly Up
- Ctrl: Fly Down
- Shift: Sprint/Accelerate
- C: Walk
- M1: Boost Charge
- Spacebar: Take Off
- B: Dismount
- Q: Show Controls
- F: Confirm Rescue
- ESC: Cancel Rescue
- F: Add beast to Inventory
- T: Summon Beast
- R: Rename Beast:
- C: Release Beast
- Spacebar: Hide Beast Detail Screen
- F: Collect Byproduct
- D: Next Beast
- A: Previous Beast
- F: Select Breeding Pair
Here are all the controls you need to know to get started. Remember, you can check them anytime in your Settings menu and rebind them to your liking if you're on the proper platform. Put your skills to practice and you'll be a pro in no time.
Related: Check out this feature on our sister site, Twinfinite: Why is Fashion in Hogwarts Legacy So Bad?
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Published: Feb 20, 2023 10:56 am