In Hogwarts Legacy, Otto Dibble's love letter can be found hidden in the A Basis for Blackmail quest. Here is where to find the key item, as well as the locations for Agabus Philbert's book of poems and Isko Rabe's wand.
Otto Dibble's love letter location in Hogwarts Legacy

Otto Dibble's love letter can be found in a chest in the South East corner of the Ashwinder Hideout central room. After dispatching Gwendolyn Zhou and her lackeys, you will be able to freely explore the circular area to find the key item. From the fire pit at the center of the room, pan your camera to the south until you see a set of stairs.
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After climbing up the steps, you will now find a chest sitting on top of a platform of logs with a cloth blanket under it. Take the ramp to the left of the platform to reach the chest, and open it to add Otto Dibble's love letter to your inventory automatically.
Where to find Agabus Philbert's book of poems in the Ashwinder Hideout in Hogwarts Legacy

Agabus Philbert's book of poems can be found on top of the drinking bar in the Ashwinder Hideout central room. To quickly track it down, travel to the fire pit that is at the center of the room. Next, head northwest until you find the large bar that is up against the compound's left wall. The blackmail item is in a small blue and gold box that is sitting on top of the bar counter. After opening the chest, the quest will register that you have found Agabus Philbert's book of poems.
Where to find Isko Rabe's Wand in Hogwarts Legacy

Isko Rabe's wand is located in the Ashwinder Hideout jail cell room. After making your way to the final area of the A Basis for Blackmail quest, you will speak to Natty Onai, who is locked up in a cell. To find Rabe's wand, simply turn around and open up the black chest that is on top of the table a few feet away from Natty.
Finding the blackmail items is optional, as you can technically complete the Hogwarts Legacy companion questline without them. However, tracking down the love letter and book of poems will trigger unique dialogue from your wizard. Both Agabus and Otto will also be appreciative of you for the rest of the game.
For more information on Hogwarts Legacy, check out All Moth to the Frame picture locations in Hogwarts Legacy here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 14, 2023 06:15 pm