Hypercharge Unboxed has many toys for you to place, one of which is turrets. You first use them during the tutorial, but they are not unlocked in the main game. In this guide, I will teach you how to unlock the MG Turret (the first turret you unlock in Hypercharge: Unboxed).
How to get the MG Turret in Hypercharge: Unboxed

To unlock the MG Turret, you must achieve a Gold Medal or higher in the Airhockey Shuffle map in casual or regular difficulty. You have to unlock the map first, though. To do so, complete the first map in casual or regular difficulty and achieve gold or a higher medal, which is pretty easy as the first map is mostly to get you used to the game. Once you unlock the Airhockey Shuffle map, it won't be easy to get a Gold Medal, so here is what you have to do to get it.
How to get a Gold Medal in the Airhockey Shuffle map in Hypercharge Unboxed
Airhockey Shuffle only has spinners, who are super fast and hard to hit with most guns, but there are two things you can do to deal with them efficiently. First, you should get a shotgun when one is available anywhere on the map, as it has a good spread and can one-shot spinners.

Secondly, use glue trap blocks, which are unlocked when you get a gold medal on the first map. They can stop spinners in their tracks, and you can use your shotgun to get rid of them. Once you are set with these two, try to get batteries to power your base to have an extra edge, because to get the gold medal, you have to protect your base without taking any damage to it at all.
So, it's important to take your time between waves and loot everything you can to build your base with glue traps and walls. If you do all that and fight with all your might, you will easily achieve a gold medal in the Airhockey Shuffle map.
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Published: Jun 6, 2024 01:20 pm