While some players may enjoy a challenge, some prefer to take things easy or have a little help. This is where Icarus cheats, and console commands come in to relieve some strain.
How to use cheats and console commands in Icarus
To use cheats and console commands in Icarus, you will need third-party software. The Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker will do the trick. As with any third-party software and cheats, download and use these at your own risk. Follow these steps to use cheats and console commands.
- Download and install Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker.
- Open Icarus. Go to the UUU Program, and in the general tab, select to inject the DLL. This will be called Mainetx in the Xbox Gamepass Launcher but may have a different name for Steam users.
- Select the correct process and then press the Inject DLL button.
- In Icarus, you will notice a popup showing that the program is working if it is done correctly.
- To enter commands, press the Tilde key underneath the escape key.
All Icarus Cheats and Console Commands Listed

- god - Enables God Mode.
- teleport - Use this to teleport to a location where your crosshair is pointing.
- timespeed # - Use this to speed up stop time. Higher numbers speed up gameplay and zero will stop time.
- sg.PostProcessQuality 0 - Removes the blurry depth of field.
- pause - Pauses the command. A second use will un-pause.
- toggledebugcamera - Allows you to fly around in-game as a camera.
- kill - Kills your character, sending to your spawn point.
- DamageTarget # - Damages a target for the entered number of damage.
- stat fps - Toggles FPS display on the screen.
- stat unit - Toggles frame times display on the screen.
- showdebug - Toggles coordinates display on the screen.
Related: How to get tree sap in Icarus
Make sure to enable the EnableCheats command before attempting other cheats, or they will not work. Additionally, some of these commands may not work in different builds of the game. We recommend starting a new character before using cheats to prevent ruining your game.
All Icarus Admin Commands
- /AdminLogin (Password) - Login with admin credentials from your icarus.properties file.
- /KickPlayer (Steam ID or Player Name) [Reason] - Removes a player until the next Prospect begins.
- /BanPlayer (Steam ID or Player Name) [Reason] - Removes a player from the server completely. Can be undone with /Unban command only.
- /UnbanPlayer (Steam ID or Player Name) - Unbans a player.
- /ReturnToLobby - Returns to Prospect select menu.
- /ReturnToLobbyWhenEmpty - Automatically brings you to the lobby if your server is empty.
- /AdminSay - An admin message to all players.
- /Help - Lists all the admin commands.
For more information on Icarus, check out How to fix the Error 044 in Icarus on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 6, 2021 09:00 am