The mystical alien planet in Lightyear Frontier is full of exciting curiosities for you to discover, and among them are mysterious Abandoned Eggs that can actually be hatched into some adorable creatures. If you're wondering where to find them, here's our handy guide for how to get and hatch Abandoned Eggs in Lightyear Frontier.
How to find eggs in Lightyear Frontier
To find Abandoned Eggs in Lightyear Frontier, you first need to know where exactly to look for them on the game's vast and vibrant map, and what conditions must be met for them to spawn.

We've confirmed that certain areas of the map will not have any eggs at all, and they include the Meadows, Pine Heights, and Edge Cliffs. Meanwhile, any other area can contain eggs, but under one specific condition. At least one of those areas must be fully restored (i.e. cleared of Noxious Weeds and Slimes). Once done, Abandoned Eggs can appear in random locations in that area. Of course, the more areas you fully restore, the higher your chances of finding more eggs.
The eggs themselves contain various native species of creatures found on the planet. If you want to find an egg of a specific species, you need to look for it in the area where it normally resides. You can also carry multiple eggs at a time without worrying about your inventory weight, as they only weigh a meager 0.3 each.
Unfortunately, eggs are not viable for selling to Lola, as trying to will get you no profit whatsoever.
How to hatch eggs in Lightyear Frontier

To be able to hatch any of the eggs you find, you first need to meet Diane and establish an Outpost for her somewhere on your farm. As she states later in her introduction, Diane heads up an animal sanctuary on her home planet, and she's very interested in helping you hatch the eggs you've found and raise the creatures inside them as a new expansion to your farm.
Once you've built her Outpost, interact with Diane to start her questline. Along with building a fence (requires Hardwood) around her Outpost, she requests that you build an Egg Incubator, which she'll provide the blueprint for free of charge. Open your Build Menu and find the Egg Incubator under the 'Crafting Constructs' tab.
To build an Egg Incubator you will need the following materials:
- 4 x Copper Wire
- Made via an Assembler with Copper Ore (found in Edge Cliffs area)
- 2 x Aluminum Electronics
- Made via an Assembler with Aluminum Rods (found in Pine Heights area) and Copper Wire
- 3 x Aluminum Frame
- Made via an Assembler with Aluminum Rods (found in Pine Heights area)
When you've got your first Egg Incubator built, you can place any eggs you've found into it. The egg will take a certain number of days to fully incubate, depending on the species. When it's ready to hatch, the egg will glow brightly, and you can press the appropriate button to 'Hatch Egg'.

A prompt will ask you to name your new creature (up to 20 characters) and then they'll appear nearby and roam the perimeter of your farm until you set up a proper enclosure.
The Egg Incubator also gives you the option to switch out its equipped Lens, which can be used to provide different buffs to the Incubation process and includes:
- Blue Lens - 10% chance of two animals from one hatch
- Red Lens - 25% chance of larger animal
- Clear Lens - 25% chance of a smaller animal
Remember different colored lenses can be crafted via a Furnace (to make the glass) and an Assembler (to make the lens itself).
All hatchable animals in Lightyear Frontier and what they provide
Below we've listed all animals that can currently be hatched from eggs in Lightyear Frontier along with the resources they can passively drop. These resources are unique to each animal and often can't be obtained anywhere else in the game, and your first priority is to give at least one of each to Diane to progress her questline. Any extra you receive afterward can be sold to Lola for a small profit.
If you find your farm getting too crowded with animals, speak to Diane and she'll transport any animals you don't want to keep to her animal sanctuary. Unfortunately, neither eggs nor animals can be sold to Lola.
Creature | Days to Incubate | Passive Resource Drop |
Ratscallion | 1 | Amber Fragments |
Crobling | 1 | Clay |
Swiftplume | 2 | Feather |
Mox | 3 | Fur |
Be sure to check out all of our latest gaming guides and news for Lightyear Frontier here at Pro Game Guides, such as How to Recycle materials in Lightyear Frontier.
Published: Oct 1, 2024 11:08 am