Feathers are used in Magical Delicacy to buy recipes from various traders. They're difficult to find, and you won't find many of them at once. If you want to bypass the pain of searching the map over and over, this guide has all feather locations in Magical Delicacy.
Where to find all feathers in Magical Delicacy
This list will be in chronological order of the game so that you can find feathers as you go along. As I mentioned, feathers are used to buy recipes in Magical Delicacy. In fact, most recipes are purchased, while only a few are hidden across the game's map.
Central Plaza to Western Plaza path
The Central Plaza is the starting area of Magical Delicacy. This is the area where your store is, as well as Signe's bakery and Star's blacksmith shop.
There are no feathers in the starting area.
The first box of feathers can be found just after the bridgehouse - jump over the first gap, but let yourself fall through the second down to the left. You'll land on a hidden platform with a box of four feathers.
The next box of feathers is further along the path from the bridge. Go back up from where you fell, go through the doorway, and follow the path straight along until you reach the cliff at the end.
Above you is a platform with a box. This is the second set of feathers, and there are four in the box.
Sewer under the Bakery
Another box of four feathers can be found in the sewers beneath the bakery.
Fall down until you see an entrance to the right. Go through there, then climb up again by the falling water. Open the door using the switch at the top (next to the White Longshroom), and drop all the way down. Exit through the opening on the left.
Go back to the Bakery, fall from there again, and now you can open the door. The box of feathers is behind it.
After the Aquafarmer Huts
The Aquafarmer Huts are located below the bakery in the Central Plaza. You have to drop down into the sewers and come out on the other side to get there. You'll be able to pick these up while you're opening the door to the sewer feather box.
Once you're at the Huts, follow the path to the left, and you'll enter another cave/sewer system.
In the top right corner, you'll find a box of three feathers.
The Harbor
Jump up the platforms before the bridgehouse, enter there, go across, and climb up the wooden structure. Follow the jumping path to the left, and you'll come out by the crow statue on top of what looks like a broken mast or pole.
There is a box of three feathers on the other side of the statue.
Above Cassia's Hut

Once you've completed Cassia's first order and gotten access to the Fountain Network, she'll teach you how to gather Mist for an extra-long jump. When you make it up to the platform above her hut, there's a box of two feathers waiting for you.
Above Sana's Store

Now that you have Mist jump ability, you can finally reach the platform that is above Sana's store. Head up there and go through the doorway, then drop down from the platform. There's a box of three feathers at the bottom on the platform.
Signe's request

Around the same time Star can finally make you a cauldron, Signe asks you to make her something that she can't make for herself. Basically, something that doesn't use any bread products. Once you do this, you'll get three feathers as part of your reward.
Shuya's request

Shuya is found on the floating platform to the left of the bakery. She asks you to make an Ember Tincture for a wilting plant, and will give you three feathers as a reward once you complete it. Once you've given her the Ember Tincture, you'll be able to start harvesting this plant, too.
The Gardens

On the far right side of the Gardens, after the vine plant that you need to use a Wither Elixir on, there are five feathers in a box for you to collect. They're after the switch, in the corner.
A Clean Mind

Sana is in the Gardens and requests a soup recipe that is sour. This recipe doesn't exist in the game - it's created by the player. You'll need to put Limenut and Rocksalt in a pot to create the Beginner's Broth. Deliver that to her for three feathers.
After filling the sacrificial bowls

There are two sacrificial bowls in the area to the right and above your store. Once you've filled the bowls with a Mist Tincture and an Ember Tincture, you can follow the path of floating night platforms to the right to find a box of three feathers on one of the blue platforms. You have to go at night so that the platforms can be used.
Hidden beneath the Upper Plaza

In the area where the Spice Store is (Upper Plaza), use your shifting abilities to get through the tunnel in the bottom left corner and drop down into the space below. There's a box with two feathers there.
Altar of the Crows above Tauno's Hut

Instead of going over to Tauno's Hut on the right, take the platform path up to the top of the area (on the far left). Jump across the floating platforms until you hit a shifting tunnel, go through, and collect three feathers from a box by the altar.
In the Catacombs under the Old Lift

Head through the doorway under the Old Lift, follow the path across and up to find a box of four feathers.
Church of the River

After you unlock the broom, go to the broom point above Cassia's Hut and ride it across to the Church of the River. There is a box of four feathers inside.
The broom path near Cassia's Hut

Now that you have the broom, you can finally explore the left side of the area where Cassia's Hut is. On the platform halfway up, use the broom point to ride across to the left, and then continue north. There's a box of two feathers waiting for you on a platform.
As you can tell, a lot of the locations of the feather boxes in Magical Delicacy are out of the way or hidden. This isn't a game you can rush through, so take your time and you'll easily be able to find all the feathers you need to make the different recipes in Magical Delicacy.
Looking for more help with Magical Delicacy at Pro Game Guides? Try our guide on How to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy or Where to find free ingredients in Magical Delicacy.
Published: Jul 16, 2024 07:00 am