Electric Organs are an essential component that lets me craft powerful weapons and items to upgrade my base and my Pals. Follow the guide below to learn how to find the best Electric Organ farm in Palworld.
Best Locations to farm Electric Organs
To farm Electric Organs as quickly as possible, look for biomes and locations populated by Electric Pals. Try to capture them or simply defeat them, and they'll drop Electric Organs behind for you to collect. To save time, go for the low-hanging fruit among Electric Pals and hunt as many Sparkits as possible. Here are all the Electric Pals in Palworld:
- Beakon
- Boltmane
- Dazzi
- Dinossom Lux
- Grizzbolt
- Jolthog
- Mossandra Lux
- Orserk
- Rayhound
- Relaxaurus Lux
- Sparkit
- Univolt

To learn where to find Electric Pals, open the Paldeck and find an electric Pal. Click on the Pal, select the Habitat tab and check the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to see in which biomes the Pal spawns most often. In the case of Sparkits, you'll find them northeast of the Small Settlement (1) (77, -483) and in the Twilight Dunes (2) (-94, -118).
Related: Where to farm Ice Organs in Palworld
If you're looking for Electric Pals that drop more Electric Organs, head west of the Small Settlement until you reach the Bridge of the Twin Knights. There you'll find plenty of Jolthogs, which are tougher than Sparkits but yield more Organs after you defeat or capture them.

Another great Electric Organ farm is in the Anubis Desert (3) (-129, -97), which is filled with Sparkits, Univolts and other Electric Pals. Still, I recommend focusing on Sparkits since they're easy to find and capture/defeat, and they'll still pay off even in the late game.
Want to learn how to get the best gear for your Pals? Check out How to get Pal Equipment in Palworld right here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jan 23, 2024 08:46 am