Pawmi is available early in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and evolves into the powerful Electric-Type Pawmo. However, to unlock its hidden third evolution Pawmot, you will need to use a special method tied to the Let's Go battle feature.
Where to find Pawmi in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pawmi is actually one of the first Pokémon that you will be able to catch after starting Scarlet and Violet's story. You can find the adorable Electric mouse in the Poco Path near South Province (Area One), just a few steps away from the protagonist's house. You can spot groups of Pawmi roaming around in the grass after completing the catching tutorial with Paldea rival Nemona. Since the Electric-Type Pokémon spawns at level 4, you should easily catch it with a single Poké Ball. You can also find the new Gen 9 Scarlet & Violet Pokémon in South Province (Area Five) and South Province (Area Three). Now that you've added Pawmi to your Paldean Pokédex, you will need to evolve it into its second stage evolution, Pawmo.
How to evolve Pawmi into Pawmo in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pawmi will evolve into Pawmo, starting at level 18. Unless you quickly grind out battles at the story's beginning, you will have to wait a little bit until Pawmi reaches its second stage form. You can achieve this at a quicker pace by battling wild Pokémon and every NPC on the map. Trainers willing to battle you will have a sparkling gold symbol over their hand, so you simply need to go up to them and talk. After reaching level 18, Pawmi will automatically trigger its evolution into Pawmo. To unlock its third evolution, you will have to use a hidden method with one of the game's battle features.
How to evolve Pawmo into Pawmot in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pawmi's third stage is one of Scarlet & Violet's hidden evolutions, so training and leveling up the Electric-Type will not work. To unlock the Pawmot evolution, you will actually need to use the game's new Let's Go mechanic. To do this, have Pawmo in your first party slot and press the R button to throw the Pokémon out in the overworld. Now that you have your Pawmo in hand and are using the Let's Go feature, you will need to use a specific method to evolve it, which is listed below.
How to use Pokémon Lets Go Mode to evolve Pawmot

Pawmo will evolve into Pawmot after it's taken a total of 1,000 steps while in the Let's Go battle mode. The easiest method is to have your Pawmo walk outside its Poké Ball in a city or around a Pokémon Center. Because there are no wild Pokémon to attack it, you can walk in circles for about 7 minutes to wrack up the correct number of steps. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you how many steps your Pokémon has taken, so you just have to estimate it. Once Pawmo has walked 1,000 steps, level it up a single time to trigger its final evolution into Pawmot.
For more information on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, check out How to start playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet early here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 17, 2022 09:54 pm