The Summoner Archetype is a secret "class" that can be unlocked while you're playing Remnant 2. However, the process is a bit complex and requires a specific event to occur before you can even attempt unlocking it. Thankfully, it doesn't require any kind of boss fight or anything. I've already unlocked the class, so I can tell you exactly how to unlock the Summoner Archetype in Remnant 2.
How to get the Summoner Archetype in Remnant 2
The first thing you're going to want to do is to head to Yaesha, one of the first places you get access to in Remnant 2. Yaesha is a forest world that has been infested with Root Rot, but what's important is actually in the sky. Yaesha, at times, is afflicted with the rays of a giant blood moon.

When the blood moon is active, the sky will turn a hazy red color. This is important because you can only unlock the Summoner Archetype while the blood moon is happening. If you are at Yaesha without a blood moon in the sky, explore the locale a bit and then return to Ward 13. Then, return to Yaseha. Do this until you have the blood moon.
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Once you have your blood moon, search Yaesha for the Bloodmoon Altar. This will be a blue icon on your map. It is difficult to miss so don't worry if you haven't found it just yet.

Once you know where it is, search for little purple orbs floating around Yaesha. If you see one, shoot it. You will get Bloodmoon Essence which is the main material required to purchase the Summoner Archetype from the altar. You need a total of 15 Bloodmoon Essence. When you have 15, return to the Bloodmoon Altar and purchase the Archetype from it. You've just unlocked one of Remnant 2's secret classes; have fun!
For more helpful guides and useful information relating to all things Remnant 2, check out Remnant 2 – How to open the doors in Postulant’s Parlor right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 23, 2023 01:08 am