If you're looking for some of the best Mythic units to fill your team in Anime Adventures, look no further than Metal Knight. He is known to be one of the best meta units in the game, not only for his damage and multi-hits but because his evolved state is incredibly powerful. I'm looking to make Metal Knight my team's sole Hill unit just for his drones alone. Here's everything you need to know about him and how you can try to collect him for yourself!
How to get Metal Knight in Anime Adventures
Metal Knight is a Mythic unit that is obtainable through regular Summons. You can teleport to the Summon area anytime by pressing the Summon button on the left side of the screen when in the main lobby.

Here, you will have two different banners you can purchase from: the Specials and the Standard. The Specials usually have new units featured here, but it is regularly refreshed. Metal Knight can usually be collected through the Standard banner as it's refreshed. It costs 50 Gems per unit you summon. Gems are easily collected by completing Story stages, completing quests, or other special game modes.
You'll want to wait until you see him featured in the banner to start trying to collect him. Since he is a Mythic unit, there is only a 0.25% chance of obtaining him. However, you can get lucky with Mythic pity if you don't get him before a certain amount of summons. You can also keep track of when the banner will refresh by the countdown above it.
All Metal Knight Stats in Anime Adventures
Metal Knight is known to be one of the very best Hill units you can get in the game, and that is mostly because of his larger-ranged AoE abilities with multi-hits. Plus, he can spawn in drones every 20 enemies he takes down, which can rack up damage for your team as well. Take a look at the full list of his stats below:
- Deployment Cost: 1,700 Yen
- Total Cost: 62,250 Yen
- Upgrade Levels: 10
- Spawn Cap: 2
- Tower Type: Hill
- Damage Type: Magic
- Attack Stats:
- Attack Type: AoE (Circle) Radius: 6; AoE (Circle) Radius: 10, Hits: 3; AoE (Circle) Radius: 15, Hits: 4
- Damage: 450 - 6,750
- Attack Rate: 7
- Range: 22 - 36
Metal Knight becomes more powerful as he is upgraded, increasing his AoE radius, allowing for more multi-hits, and overall increasing his damage. However, you'll get the most out of Metal Knight if you focus on evolving him.
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How to Evolve Metal Knight in Anime Adventures
Metal Knight is a unique unit when it comes to evolving because he will require more than others. To unlock his evolution capabilities, he must first earn a total of 5k kills. This means you'll need to utilize him as much as possible. You can do this more easily by completing Infinity mode or other special modes. After that, you'll need his special evolve items, Full Power Cores.
You can craft the Full Power Cores by speaking to Beeruh in the Evolve area of the lobby and selecting the Craft option from his dialogue. It will require the following materials:
- Star Fruit x12
- Star Fruit (Blue) x4
- Star Fruit (Pink) x3
- Star Fruit (Green) x4
- Star Fruit (Rainbow) x1
You can gain Star Fruits from various Star Fruit capsules collected by completing stages or occasionally through the Traveling Merchant in the lobby. Once you have the Full Power Cores crafted, you can head past Beeruh to the blue aura Evolve circle and evolve Metal Knight into Metal Knight (Arsenal).
Metal Knight's evolved state is known as one of the most meta characters in the game. His overall stats are greatly increased, allowing him to do up to 13k damage per hit. His evolved state is also when he is capable of deploying drones, so it is a must if you plan on utilizing him to his full potential.
Mythic units can be hard to summon, but keep trying, and you're bound to get one eventually. Metal Knight is an excellent addition to your team and a must as your sole Hill unit.
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Published: Aug 7, 2023 09:25 am