In Build a Car to Kill Zombies, you design vehicles to navigate zombie-infested terrains and deliver precious cargo to various checkpoints. While it seems like a simple game, with each checkpoint, the challenge increases, forcing you to modify your vehicle designs. To help you get through obstacles and zombies, we've created very efficient car designs in Build a Car to Kill Zombies.
Best Build a Car to Kill Zombies Designs
Like some of the Best Switch Racing Games that don't seem complex at first, Build a Car to Kill Zombies offers more than meets the eye. Below, you'll find a list of the best car designs made with free items in our Build a Car to Kill Zombies car designs list.
5. The Lightweight / Speedster build

The goal with Lightweight / Speedster build is to achieve as much speed and agility as possible. With a lot of stacked engines and not as much armor, this lightweight build is ideal if you want to quickly and, with some crazy luck, unlock the first two Checkpoint Shops to get access to more advanced building blocks immediately.
The lightweight speedster is a simple go-kart that can be relatively easy to create using basic blocks from the first tier of the shop, but it still won't be enough to clear the later, more challenging checkpoints. Key blocks used for this build:
- Basic Wheel x6 (Checkpoint Shop 1)
- Green Suspension x6 (Checkpoint Shop 1)
4. Armored Bulldozer build

The Armored Bulldozer build has a plow attachment at the front of the vehicle for breaking through zombies. The downside of this build is that you won't be able to make it quickly – to unlock the basic yellow plow, you first need to unlock the Checkpoint Shop 4, and the more powerful red one is an endgame item as it is locked behind the Checkpoint Shop 6. Key blocks used for this build:
- Plow x2 or more (Checkpoint Shop 4)
3. Bullet build (Farming car)

Creating more expensive builds requires a lot of in-game money, so create a vehicle for farming. This way, you can earn 250 or more in-game currency in just 12-13 seconds of a straight-line dash toward the first checkpoint.
Add more wheels, more powerful engines, and a couple of turrets to this build, and you can grind money fast even at Checkpoint 2. For maximum speed, keep the body narrow, but be careful when making quick turns because it can be easily flipped over - especially if you overload it with deliverables.
Key blocks used for this build:
- Standard Canister x1 (Checkpoint Shop 1)
- Basic Motor x8 (Checkpoint Shop 1)
2. The Tank / Assault Vehicle build
The idea behind the Tank build is to mount as many guns and ammunition as possible. The problem? You need to unlock all Checkpoint Shops to have access to the endgame materials, which include the most powerful engine blocks you need to get this behemoth moving. If you are just starting, you can build like this even with cheaper materials (like in the picture below), but Check Point Shop 3 performance engines are a must.

Key blocks used for this build:
- Turret x8 or more (Checkpoint Shop 2)
- Performance Motor x8 or more (Checkpoint Shop 3)
1. Wide-Body Hauler build
Many players consider the Wide-Body Hauler build to be the best in the game as it can carry a lot. Up to four rows of wheels can be added, and your vehicle can be a maximum of seven blocks wide. For a chance of reaching Checkpoint 6, you'll need the highest quality building materials like Red Suspension and Wheels.
The downside is its size and weaker maneuverability, which can be a significant problem when you reach narrow passages and obstacles after the 4th and 5th Checkpoints. If you have access to Red Wheels and Red Suspension, you can make this build more elegant and also increase its maneuverability.

Key blocks used for this build:
- Red Suspension as much as you can fit (Checkpoint Shop 5)
- Red Wheels as much as you can fit (Checkpoint Shop 5)
Those were some of the best car build ideas in Build a Car to Kill Zombies. For more racing guides, check out the best racing games on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 3, 2025 10:24 pm