Devil Fruit is the most critical part of Grand Piece Online. If you find one of these, they grant you a unique ability within the game. Your character will be 10x more powerful, which means you can't expect to get far without one. Locating one can be a little tricky. Firstly, you must be in the Second Sea to find them, meaning you're most likely required to be level 100+. Leveling up can be relatively easy if you're willing to grind at it. Once you reach the appropriate level, these are the best ways to find some Fruit.
Get the Devil Fruit Notifier

While this upgrade isn't required to find Devil Fruit, it makes the process a lot easier. The Fruit usually spawns once every hour, meaning it could take a lot of waiting for them to even show up in the game. By spending a little bit of Robux, you can be notified exactly when one pops up. This makes things a little easier if you are desperate to find one ASAP. However, you can still find one without.
Check Trees

Devil Fruit can spawn in trees, but not just any trees. They have been known to generate in the trees at the Colosseum of Arc. They are a much narrower and skinnier type tree where they should be displayed within. However, this method might require you to wait long and isn't always guaranteed. If you are hoping to AFK farm, this would be an easy way. All you have to do is check the trees every few hours.
Destroy Marine Ships

Another way to acquire Fruit is the fight enemy Marine ships. This requires you to have higher notoriety for it spawn these ships in, and since it's a more challenging method, you might want to be at a higher level. When you spawn in your boat or ship, you can row out to sea, and these enemies will automatically attack you. To find the Fruit, all you have to do is defeat the Captain. Again, this isn't a guaranteed Fruit every time. You might have to battle several of these ships to find one.

Dungeons are another method to win some Devil Fruit, but they take longer to accomplish. Entering a dungeon requires you to defeat multiple waves of enemy. While this is possible to do solo if you have the skills and strength, it's a lot easier to do in a group. If you can complete all the waves and fulfill the dungeon, there is a chance for you to win a Fruit.

Another way you can attain some Fruit, or get the Fruit you've been wanting, is to trade with other players. Although you have to be closer to the max level to do this action, getting the Fruit you want is much easier. However, trading requires you to have items of decent worth to give in return. If you are a newer player and don't have Fruit or valuable items to trade, this method might not be the best way for you.
Looking for more Grand Piece Online content? Check out our guides on Best Fighting Styles in Grand Piece Online (GPO) or How to reach Sky Island in Roblox Grand Piece Online!
Published: Mar 10, 2022 02:30 pm