Sorcerer Killer is a powerful secret unit in Anime Adventure inspired by Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen. He is one of the cleanest looking units in the game and getting him is tricky. To help you with that, this guide will teach you how to get Sorcerer Killer (Toji) in Anime Adventures.
How do you get Toji the Sorcerer Killer in Anime Adventures
To get Sorcerer Killer in AA, you have to complete the Restriction (Shibuya District) Portal, which has a chance to give you the Sorcerer Killer. If you don't already have a Shibuya Portal, you have to get it first, or use a portal that someone else has spawned.
How to get and use the Shibuya Portal in AA
You can get the Shibuya Portal by playing the new Shibuya Infinite wave mode. To do that, head over to the Play area and then select Shibuya by scrolling all the way down and then choosing the infinite wave. Once you do that, complete as many waves as you can and hope that you get a portal for Shibuya.
However, if you don't want to go down that path, there is another way, which is by using someone else's portal. To do that, join Anime Adventure Discord server and verify yourself to unlock all the channels. After that, go to the portals channel and use the search function or scroll to find someone hosting a Shibuya portal.
In either case, use the portal or get inside it with others. There will be 20 waves and they are relatively easy to complete. At the end of the last wave, there will be a boss, the Sorcerer Killer, and killing him will complete the portal with a chance to drop Sorcerer Killer for you.
You will have six chances to complete a portal with each portal you get from the infinite Shibuya mode, so you will get multiple goes with a single portal use to get the Sorcerer Killer. Good luck grinding for my guy Toji!
For more guides on Anime Adventures, check Anime Adventures Dungeon Guide – Keys, Chests and Weapons here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 9, 2025 06:04 am