Project Mugetsu, known by its abbreviation PM to its player base, is an exciting anime adventure RPG inspired by the legendary Anime series Bleach. Players can play as one of two warring factions, Soul Reapers, and the Hollow. Shikai is an evolved stage of Zanpakutō, the primary weapon used in this fight by both factions, giving them specific abilities and moves. This guide will explain how you can reroll Shikai in PM.
Rerolling Shikai in Project Mugetsu, explained
There are two ways of changing your Shikai in Project Mugetsu, which are:
- Spending Robux, a premium Roblox currency in the Robux Shop in the game.
- Using the Legendary Orb
How to reroll your Shikai by Spending Robux in PM
Rerolling your Shikai by Spending Robux in Project Mugetsu is simple. Just follow the steps below:
- Once you are in the game, press M to open the side menu.
- Click the orange Shop button.
- Click the Reset Shikai option on the top left of the Shop menu.
How to obtain the Legendary Orb in Project Mugetsu
You can obtain the Legendary Orb in PM by defeating Quest Bosses. Bosses are the most difficult enemies to defeat in the game, and even then, the chance of them dropping the Legendary orb is very low at 1%. Unfortunately, what this means is if you don't want to spend money rerolling your character's Shikai, you will have to have a high enough level character that can defeat Boss enemies consistently and without too much struggle. Even then, you will have to ready yourself for a grind and be patient, as there will always be that one-in-a-hundred chance of the Legendary Orb dropping.
Looking for more guides for Project Mugetsu? We have your back with Project Mugetsu (PM) Race Tier List – All Races, Ranked, and Project Mugetsu PM Best Clans Tier List here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Apr 12, 2023 02:17 pm