If you've been waiting for some new things to be added to Roblox's Wonder Woman: The Themyscira Experience then you can rejoice! There's new items available for purchase with coins in the store, as well as some new quests to complete to earn those coins!
If you'd like to find the new items, you'll have to travel around the map a bit. There's shops in multiple places, so to find Wonder Woman's Hair, you'll need to go to the shop that's located within the portal located near Philippus that goes to the Oracle's Temple. You can get Wonder Woman's Gauntlets and her Tiara at the shop that's located in the center of the map where Diana (Wonder Woman) can be found.
As for the new quests, you can find one by heading into the portal near Philippus and over to Oracle's Temple. Go outside and to the left and you will see a woman with a quest marker over her head staring out to sea.
She will ask you to collect pearls for her to complete a quest. Jump down into the water and look around the seafloor to find the big clams with pearls in them. You can repeat this like the rat quest, but it's not really worth it. It takes a long time to get 25 pearls, and the spawn rate is not great. Plus you have to travel all the way back to the portals to get back to her to receive the quest again. The rat quest is far easier and quicker to farm for coins.
Your next quest will have you repairing a pickaxe! Go through the portal at the palace to teleport to the mine. Run up to the large forge with the huge molten lava pouring and you'll find Timandra. There's another item shop here as well. Talk to her and she'll tell you to talk to Callineira. She can be found near the beginning area on the island behind Artemis. Talk to her and she'll need you to find her broken pickaxe. This was a pain to find, but one piece can be found behind the portal at the start of the area.
The second part is inexplicably outside of the mine and behind the building where the mine is located. So run up the stairs at the portal area, and run behind the building to find it outside in the corner:
Now take this back to Timandra to repair it. You can now jump off the side of the area and get warped back to the beginning. Talk to Eoboea who will have a quest marker over her head. Now you can mine for crystals that look like this:
This is a repeatable quest like the pearls and rats, so you can mine these to grind gold if you want! The rat quest is probably still the easiest, but it's up to you which you find most enjoyable.
Published: Jul 15, 2020 5:59 PM UTC