Your garden is a crucial part of running your kitchen in Magical Delicacy. Without it, you have to run around to find ingredients from various traders and waste extra money buying every ingredient multiple times. Learn how to grow crops in your garden in Magical Delicacy so that you can save your beads up to buy kitchen tools, instead.
How gardening works in Magical Delicacy
Gardening is one of the easiest tasks to complete in Magical Delicacy. You aren't required to use your garden at all, but doing so will give you one extra crop for each one you plant. For example, if you plant one Ulport Plum, you'll get two when you harvest your crop.
Crops in Magical Delicacy need sunshine and rain to grow. You won't need to water your crops, and they don't die off if you leave them alone for too long.
You can also use Fertilizer to help your garden grow faster, but you'll need to buy a Compost Bin and install it in your store if you want to access that feature.

Compost Bins can be purchased from Ajea in the Western Plaza. Ajea also specializes in storage and shelving, so it's a good idea to visit him to keep your ingredients organized.
To grow any crops in Magical Delicacy, you'll need to head out into your garden - located at the back of your store.
Once you're in the garden, you'll find seven spaces to grow extra ingredients.
Interact with any one of the seven spaces and a menu will pop up that tells you which ingredients you have in your inventory that can be planted. Only ingredients labeled "Plantable" can be grown in your garden, which means that some aren't eligible and you'll have to continue to find or buy those ingredients.
Select an ingredient for it to be planted, and then it's just a waiting game. From attempting this MANY times, myself, it seems that every crop takes approximately 24 in-game hours to grow.
What crops you can grow in your garden in Magical Delicacy

Here is a list of plantable crops in Magical Delicacy:
- Angelfeet
- Braided Wheat
- Cloudflower
- Dandelion
- Greenfinger
- Goldseed
- Groundsprouts
- Honeyspark
- Hornpepper
- Onion
- Pale Beet
- Pearlpeas
- Redroot
- Scarlet Tomato
- Spinach
- Timbermoss
- Timbershade
- Ulport Plum
- Ulport Squash
- White Longchute
- Wildvine
Where to find your garden in Magical Delicacy

Once you enter your store for the first time (or later on), you'll be met by Hina, who wants you to cook for her.
After she's finished talking, walk past the sink, and then keep walking until you're out the other side of your store.
You'll enter a garden area without the screen needing to load anything new. There's a shed at the back that you can't interact with, and the seven plots for gardening that I mentioned earlier. This is the only gardening space you have in the game.
Looking for more help with Magical Delicacy at Pro Game Guides? Try our guide on Where to find free ingredients in Magical Delicacy or All recipes in Magical Delicacy and how to cook them.
Published: Jul 16, 2024 07:04 am