Rogue Trader introduces a myriad of build choices for Kibellah but choosing the right one is important. This guide focuses on making Kibellah into a Bladedancer who excels in Agility and weapon skill to dominate in melee combat. This build guide will detail skills, talents, and abilities to best use on Kibellah in Rogue Trader Void Shadows.
Best Kibellah build in Rogue Trader

I've broken down the choices to make as you level up Kibellah below. Each will help you make the most out of Kibellah with a lot of mobility, DoT, and aggression. If you have already leveled up your Kibellah, you can easily respec her.
Level | Choice(s) |
Level 1 | Blade Dance |
Level 2 | Medicae |
Level 3 | Death from Above |
Level 4 | Death Waltz, Duelist |
Level 5 | Characteristic Training Agility, Agility (AGI) |
Level 6 | Captive Audience, Athletics |
Level 7 | Agility (AGI), Blades in Hand |
Level 8 | Demolition, Base Skill Demolition |
Level 9 | Deathwaltz Upgrade II |
Level 10 | Feel no Pain, Weapon Skill (WP) |
Level 11 | Blood Oath, Promises of Blood |
Level 12 | Weapon Skill (WP), Medicae |
Level 13 | Base Skill: Madicae, Athletics (A) |
Level 14 | Toughness, Unforgiving |
Level 15 | Deathwaltz I |
Best Kibellah Characteristics in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader
There are four characteristics for Kibellah and all of them are strong, especially her Agility and Weapon Skills. The last two are Toughness and Strength, but toughness is a little better since it helps with self-damaging buffs. However, if that is not a concern and you want to get more damage done to enemies, then Strength might be the right call.
- Agility: This is the primary characteristic that you want to focus on from the get-go. It will help you initiate dodges and the effectiveness of abilities like Blade Dance.Â
- Weapon Skill: This is the second most important characteristic as it increases critical chance, parry chance, and reduced chance for enemy dodges.
- Toughness: Blends well with the overall build as compared to Strength. It helps with survivability since we are relying on self-damaging abilities.
- Strength: Then again if survivability is not much of an issue with your party or buffs, Strength might is a fine choice since extra damage is never a bad idea with melee-based characters.
Best Kibellah Abilities in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader
Kibellah has a few choices when it comes to abilities, but you can only equip two, which makes choosing the right ones all the more important. Here are the two abilities you want to go with to get the most out of Kibellah with this build.
- Captive Audience is the first ability you want to get. This helps you apply bleed with all attacks to ensure damage over time.
- The other is Blood Oath. This ability damages your character and then negates all chances for enemies to dodge or parry your next attack.
Best Kibellah Talents in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader
With Kibellah, you will have tons of choices when it comes to talents, but only a few perform well in real situations. At first, all talents sound appealing, but they are not practical most times, so below I have fleshed out the best ones for the Kibellah build.
- Blade in His Hand: This talent adds an Agility bonus to damage with swords and with dual-handed swords.
- Blood Rush: Increases your mobility to deal with multiple targets at once.
- Feel No Pain: Vital for negating the negative effects of self-damaging abilities.
- In Death's Footstep: This provides mobility when allies kill enemies, which is crucial for repositioning and dealing with far-away enemies.
- Promises of Blood: Restores action points when you deal killing blows to help with consecutive attacks.
- Spinning Blade: It increases your parrying or counter ability which is useful when dealing with multiple enemies at once.
- Unforgiving: Boosts damage as Kibellah gets more wounds.
Best Skills for Kibellah in Warhammer 40k Rogue
With Kibellah, you will have tons of skill choices with common talents, but there are three main ones that enhance your build, so focus on those the most.
- Agility: Agility is the most important aspect of the build, so, with skills, this is always going to be your first option.
- Demolition: Increases your Agility. This is a no-brainer with this build.
- Medicae: Since we are heavily relying on self-damaging attacks, something like Medicae is sure to help with the healing side of things.
Best Archetype for Kibellah in Warhammer 40k Rogue
The best archetype for Kibellah is hands down the Executioner. With the abilities of this archetype, Kibellah will be able to get buffs and damage boosts from killing enemies. This makes her extremely viable as the battle goes on since she gets more powerful as she kills enemies and damages herself more. So it's a natural choice to go with Executioner.
Here are the things that you should choose with Executioner and what makes it so great.
- Where It Hurts: This ability increases the damage based on how many negative effects an enemy has, like bleeding, burning, etc., making Kibellah even deadlier.
- Scoring Strikes: Each melee hit adds stacks of bleeding on the enemies that are hit.
- Forced Repentance: This ability deals DOT damage immediately and increases its duration and level.
- Acute Pain: This gives 100% more damage to the enemy when they first take any DOT.
- Sickening Pain: It causes enemies penalties for taking too much DOT.
- Heroic Ability Carnival of Misery: This doubles all the damage from DOT, which is the best thing for this build.
Besides these, there are many other things in this archetype, but the main focus of this are effects and DOT-based abilities. Along with those, focus on adding more stats to Agility and Weapon Skills to make this build work even better.
Best Kibellah Weapons in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader
For gear and weapons, go with ones that benefit you in agility and weapon skills to maximize all the skills you have or effects like bleeding, burning, etc. Something like the Carmine Crown can help with things by increasing your damage for effects.
Additionally, get a two-handed sword which will help with the Blade in His Hand skill to capitalize on buffed damage. If you don't have any two-handed swords, a respectable option is Omnissiah’s Providence, which you can purchase from Opticon-22.
How to Play Kibellah in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader
To play Kibellah with this build, you have to take extra care positioning her in a place where she can deal close-range damage with ease. This will allow her to use her agility and weapon skills best to maximize bleed and buffs. Additionally, use Blood Oath without fearing it once you have Feel No Pain since it helps with negating its damage. In short, it's a straightforward build where you get up close to deal damage to enemies and clear mobs or snipers before they can do much damage.
For more build guides on Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader, check Bahardor Build Guide – Rogue Trader and Pasqal Build Guide – Rogue Trader here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 26, 2024 02:45 pm