To complete the midnight express achievement in BitLife, players will need to get sentenced to prison in the country of Turkey.
That said, you have two options that you can use to complete this challenge. The first option first is to create a character in the country of Turkey. This option is recommended for those who don't wish to ruin an existing character just to complete the achievement.
If you choose the first option, all you will need to do is select Turkey as your country, and that will be it. After your character is created, age up to the point where you finish high school and then commit crimes.
Eventually, you will get caught by the police and will be sent to prison if found guilty. Upon getting sent to prison, the achievement will become complete.
However, if you would rather move to turkey so you can complete the achievement, you will need to emigrate. To emigrate, you will need to locate the emigrate activity under the activity tab. When you find it tap on it and it will give you a choice of several countries.
If one of these is Turkey, click on it and confirm it, and you will move to turkey. Once you are in Turkey, just complete the same steps with the other method, and you will get sent to prison and complete the achievement.
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Published: Oct 19, 2021 07:58 am