Tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop

We're taking a look at what could possibly be in tomorrow's Fortnite item shop! We have taken the history of each of the cosmetics in Fortnite and created an estimate on when they will most likely return. While we won't always get them right, this can give you a good idea what to expect to show up in the next shop. Certain, more popular items, will return frequently, usually within 30 or so days and will often repeat that pattern. This gives us a way to predict when they will most likely show up again!

Annual holiday cosmetics will not show up in the predictions. These are items that only show up around their specific holiday, so there's no need to attempt to predict when they will return because once that particular holiday comes around, you can expect to see them in the shop.

Tomorrow's Fortnite Item Shop Inventory (Predictions)

This shop has not yet released, but we have predicted the following skins will be available: Backlash, Blastoff, Hunter, Hypersonic, Polarity, Spider Knight, Padmé Amidala, Focus, Guernsey and Hush. These are the items that we're expecting to be in the shop: Hero Gear Bundle, Dark Bomber Bundle, Phantasmic Pulse, Smooth Moves, Confused, Cuddle Paw, Fish Kabob, Holo-Back, Windmill Floss and Focused.

Avaliable Tomorrow

20 All
10 Outfit
4 Emote
3 Harvesting Tool
2 Bundle
1 Back Bling



Lightning & Thunderstorms

The Prequel Trilogy

Royale Hearts

Cave Man

Focal Point

Udderly Invincible

Silent Stalkers