Each of the different nations within Age of Empires IV has 15 masteries available for them to unlock. Each one requires different actions of the player and offers a special reward. Players can complete all 15 for their nation, however, they must be done in the order presented.
English Masteries

Nice Try, Spy
Required: Kill an enemy scout in the Dark Age.
Rewards: An English farmer portrait and Scorched Earth historical fact.
Assize of Arms
Required: Create 30 longbowmen in the Feudal Age.
Rewards: A Royal Lion sigil and Build and Control fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the A.I. on easy.
Rewards: a historical fact and Stone Tool portrait.
Rally the People
Required: Build the King's Palace and create 10 villagers from it in the Castle Age.
Rewards: A deer portrait and the Cost of Stone fact.
Swift Harvest
Required: Reach the Castle Age with 16 farms that are influenced by Mills.
Rewards: A double-striped banner and the Assize of Arms fact.
Gather Round
Required: Heal 10 longbowmen with the Set Up Camp ability.
Rewards: The Boom and Bust fact and fish portrait.
Test of Strength II
Required: Win against the intermediate level A.I.
Rewards: The lumberjack monument and a Traitor's Fate fact.
Keep them Busy
Required: Create 20 units from the Keeps.
Rewards: The marketplace fact and fire arrow portrait.
Raise the Alarm
Required: Defeat 50 enemy units while actively affected by the Network of Castles.
Rewards: The Stag's Head sigil and Death of Indulgence fact.
Hail of Arrows
Required: Defeat 20 enemies with longbowmen affected by the arrow volley upgrade.
Rewards: The Eleanor of Aquitaine portrait and Projectile Horrors fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Win against the hard level A.I.
Rewards: A Magna Carta fact and the bowmen monument.
Reap What You Sow
Required: Collect 5,000 gold from the Enclosures.
Rewards: The Nicola De La Haie portrait and Longbows of Agincourt fact.
For the Wyn
Required: Create five Wynguard armies from the Wynguard Palace.
Rewards: The 70-Year-Old Knight fact and Jester portrait.
From the Skies
Required: Destroy 20 enemy units with Trebuchets affected by the Shattering Projectiles technology.
Rewards: William the Conqueror portrait and Coin Clipping fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Win against the hardest difficulty A.I.
Rewards: The Eleanor of Castile monument and Trial by Ordeal fact.
French Masteries

Waste Not
Required: Construct four resource drop-off buildings in the Dark Age.
Rewards: The French Coun portrait and Cost of Chevauchees facts.
Wheels of Burden
Required: Research horticulture, double broadax, and specialized pick before reaching the Castle Age.
Rewards: The Sheaf of Wheat sigil and Jacquerie Revolt fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the A.I. on easy.
Rewards: The Black Death fact and wolf portrait.
Horsing Around
Required: Construct the School of Cavalry Landmark and then create 20 cavalry units.
Rewards: The French Rider portrait and protection money fact.
Clever Commerce
Required: Collect 2,000 food, wood, or stone from traders in the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Fleur-De-Lis banner.
In Shining Armor
Required: Create 40 royal knights from a stable under the influence of the Keep.
Rewards: The French Crossbow portrait and War of Treaties fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: A Dash of Glory fact and shepherd monument.
Swift Bolts
Required: Research crossbow stirrups and defeat 20 enemy units with Arbaletriers.
Rewards: The French Armored Cavalry portrait and Battle of Bows fact.
Paint it Red
Required: Construct the Red Palace Landmark and use it to kill 30 enemies.
Rewards: The Fleur-De-Lis sigil and Champaign Fairs fact.
Master Craftsmen
Required: Collect 2,000 food, wood, gold, or stone from the Guild Hall Landmark in the Castle Age.
Rewards: The French Lancer portrait and Staying in the Saddle fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The French Blacksmith portrait and King of Glass fact.
Required: Win the match with a surviving army of 25 cavalries.
Rewards: The Blanche De Castille portrait and Pavise fact.
Military Wharf
Required: Kill 10 enemy units with Galleasses affected by the armored hull technology.
Rewards: The French Courtier portrait and Position of Honor fact.
With a Flourish
Required: Achieve a wonder victory while 20 traders are active.
Rewards: The Jeanne D'Arc portrait and Bureau Brothers fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Pointed Dag banner and Retrial of Jeanne D'Arc fact.
Holy Roman Empire Masteries

Required: Gather 500 resources with Villagers affected by Holy Inspiration in the Dark Age.
Rewards: The Scythe portrait and Renovatio Imperii Romanorum fact.
Safety in Numbers
Required: Construct 20 buildings within the range of influence of a Town Center.
Rewards: The Straight Swords sigil and Multitude of States fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom of Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: The Empress Matilda fact and Holy Roman Empire Shield portrait.
Required: Defeat 15 enemy units with Men-at-Arms affected by the two-handed weapons technology.
Rewards: The Holy Roman Empire Citizen portrait and Fearsome Hedgehog fact.
Fleet of Foot
Required: Research Marching Drills and produce a force of 30 infantry in the Castle Age.
Rewards: The single stripe banner and Edict of Salerno fact.
Ray of Hope
Required: Research Herbal Medicine and produce 5 Prelates from the Monastery in the Castle Age.
Rewards: The mace portrait and Shifting Empire fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Emperor of Falconry fact and Landsknetcht monument.
Required: Construct the Regnitz Cathedral, place a relic in it, and accrue 3,000 gold from the relic.
Rewards: The Holy Roman Empire Champion portrait and Fair Wage fact.
By a Landslide
Required: Defeat 50 enemies with Landsknechte.
Rewards: The Sailing Ship sigil and Cologne Cathedral fact.
Holy Tithes
Required: Collect 1,000 gold from relics placed within Monasteries, Keeps, Docks, Stone Wall Towers, or Outposts.
Rewards: The Beguine Sister portrait and Relics of the Holy Roman Empire fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The Holy Roman Empire Prelate portrait and Court of Science and Art fact.
Thou Shalt Not Pass
Required: Construct the Elzbach Palace and then construct 3 keeps within the influence.
Rewards: The Relic portrait and Walk to Canossa fact.
Preach to the Choir
Required: Convert 10 enemies with a Prelate.
Rewards: The Landsknecht portrait and Crusades fact.
Required: Research reinforced defense and then achieve a wonder victory.
Rewards: The Charles V portrait and Fighting Style fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The End of the Empire fact and Diamond banner.
Chinese Masteries

Building Blocks
Required: Collect 1,500 resources and have a population of 15 before the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Chinese Scout portrait and Unique Architecture fact.
State Revenues
Required: Collect 250 gold in tax with an Imperial Officer before the Castle Age.
Rewards: The Sickle sigil and Paper Money fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: The Mu Guiying fact and Zhuge Nu Repeater Crossbow portrait.
A Storm of Bolts
Required: Produce 20 Zhuge Nu and use them to defeat 30 enemies.
Rewards: The Chinese Siege portrait and Repeating Crossbow fact.
Expansion Villages
Required: Construct 2 Villages and achieve a population of 100 before the Castle Age.
Rewards: The Chevron banner and Town Planning fact.
Imperial Supervision
Required: Supervise the production of 340 military units with an Official.
Rewards: The Chinese Worker portrait and Scholar-Officials fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Thirty-Six Stratagems fact and Provider monument.
Shared Wealth
Required: Generate 500 gold in tax at buildings affected by the Imperial Academy's increased tax revenue.
Rewards: The Chinese Grenadier portrait and Prized Crop fact.
Path of the Spirit
Required: Construct 6 buildings affected by the Spirit Way Landmark's reduced dynasty unit costs.
Rewards: The Recurve Bow sigil and Legendary Blade fact.
Iron Cannons
Required: Defeat 40 enemies with siege engines from the Astronomical Clocktower before you lose 20 of your Clocktower siege engines.
Rewards: The Chinese Firelancer portrait and Astronomical Clock fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The Chinese Gunpowder portrait and Live Fire fact.
A Thunderous Onslaught
Required: Defeat 50 enemies with infantry or cavalry equipped with gunpowder weapons.
Rewards: The Empress Liu portrait and First Firearm fact.
Seven Stories
Required: Generate 1,500 of each resource from your Pagodas.
Rewards: The Nest of Bees portrait and Pagoda Lore fact.
The Red Scarf
Required: Achieve a Landmarks victory while in the Ming Dynasty.
Rewards: The Emperor Hongwu portrait and Defence by Flame fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Child Emperor fact and Hand Cannon sigil.
Delhi Sultanate Masteries

Bounty of Berries
Required: Increase the yield of 6 or more berry bushes before reaching the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Coin portrait and Slave King fact.
Military Construction
Required: Construct 10 palisade walls during the Dark Age without using Villagers.
Rewards: The Squared Dag banner and Natural Defenses fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: The Razia Sultana fact and Delhi Sultanate Villager portrait.
An Economical Education
Required: Spend no more than 500 gold to produce 5 Scholars.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Sword portrait and Knowledge is Power fact.
A Valiant Victory
Required: Defeat 40 enemies with melee units affected by the Tower of Victory attack increase.
Rewards: The Fight Fire with Fire fact and Crescent Moon sigil.
The Science of Religion
Required: Research 20 technologies in buildings influenced y Mosques or Madrasas.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Man-at-Arms portrait and Domes of Power fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Thunderous Force fact and Anvil monument.
Military Management
Required: Produce 20 military units from buildings you have garrisoned Scholars in.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Healer portrait and Refugee Scholars fact.
Stone Construction
Required: Use your military units to construct 1,000 stones' worth of structures.
Rewards: The Curved Swords sigil and Thwarting the Escalade Attack fact.
Protecting the Sword
Required: Use Mosques to heal 1,000 total health on your units.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Cavalier and Sharpest Blades fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The Delhi Sultanate Scholar portrait and Fallen Giants fact.
Military Economies
Required: Create 20 units from your Keeps.
Rewards: The War Elephant portrait and Prolific Poet fact.
Towering Threats
Required: Construct the Palace of the Sultan, produce 10 elephants, and destroy 10 enemy buildings.
Rewards: The Razia Sultana portrait and Revered Beast fact.
Spreading the Word
Required: Research scholar movement speed and then achieve a scared victory.
Rewards: The Mubarak portrait and Fertile Jewel fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Left Quadrant banner and Guns of Babur fact.
Mongol Masteries

Kettle and Smoke
Required: Use the Improved Production ability to produce 6 Villagers before the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Sheel portrait and Leaving Home fact.
Superior Mobility
Required: Defeat 5 enemies with cavalry before the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Gazing Sheep sigil and White Camel fact.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: The Spill No Blood fact and Mongol Empress portrait.
Vacant Steppes
Required: Create 30 sheep from Pastures that are influenced by an Ovoo.
Rewards: The Mongol Traveler portrait and Joroo Gait fact.
Fire and Stone
Required: Collect 500 stones by igniting enemy buildings.
Rewards: The Diamond sigil frame and Arrow Storm fact.
Burnt Offerings
Required: Create 40 cavalry units using improved production buildings influenced by an Ovoo.
Rewards: The Mongol Cap portrait and God Mountain fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Feigned Retreat fact and Deer Stone monument.
The Silk Road
Required: Construct the SIlver Tree Landmark and 5 Outposts. Gain the Yam speed aura 40 times with your Traders.
Rewards: The Mongol Footman portrait and Pax Mongolica fact.
A Great Assembly
Required: Construct the Kurultai and heal 500 health on your units via the Kurultai.
Rewards: The Rearing Horse sigil and Sheep Dung fact.
Wolves and Rain
Required: Research the Yam Network, then defeat 30 enemies with your military units affected by the Yam speed aura.
Rewards: The Signal Arrow portrait and Ismail's Trebuchet fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The Mongol Horse Archer portrait and Wrestling Vest fact.
Whistling Arrows
Required: Defeat 50 enemies with units affected by the Khan's signal arrows. Do not lose you Khan during the match.
Rewards: The Khutulun portrait and Firing from the Saddle fact.
Heavy Load
Required: Collect 2,000 stones using your Traders.
Rewards: The White Stupa portrait and Hunting with Whistling Arrows fact.
Horn and Sinew
Required: Research the improved siha bow limbs technology, then defeat 40 enemies with Mangudai and achieve a Landmarks victory.
Rewards: The Genghis Khan portrait and Magic of War fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Falcon sigil and Tender Flesh fact.
Rus Masteries

Hunting Grounds
Required: Accumulate 50 bounty by hunting sheep, deer, or board in the Dark Age.
Rewards: The Rus Forester portrait and Forest Provides fact.
Required: Construct 4 Lumber Camps within the range of influence of a Wooden Fortress.
Rewards: The Wolf Hunt fact and Rounded banner.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a Custom or Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: The Battle on the Ice fact and Boar portrait.
On the Wild Side
Required: Collect 250 gold from Hunting Cabins in the Dark Age.
Rewards: The Elena Glinskaya portrait and Fur Trade fact.
Birch Barricades
Required: Construct 25 fortified palisade walls with Villagers in the Dark Age.
Rewards: The Moscow Kremlin fact and Boar's Head sigil.
Frontier Trading
Required: Use the Golden Gate Landmark to make 5 trades in the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Rus Scout portrait and Crowded Winter fact.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Rivals of the Throne fact and Forester monument.
Day and Knight
Required: Defeat 15 enemies with Early Knights in the Feudal Age.
Rewards: The Olga of Kiev portrait and the Monk and the Mongol fact.
Required: Defeat 30 enemies with units affected by Saint's Blessing.
Rewards: The Hand Ax sigil and Trading Square fact.
Mount the Attack
Required: Research boyar's fortitude and mounted precision and then defeat 30 enemies with cavalry.
Rewards: The Rus Horse Archer portrait and Wandering Town fact.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The Rus Streltsy portrait and the Reign of Elena fact.
Lay Siege
Required: Research two upgrades from the High Armory and produce 20 siege engines in the Imperial Age.
Rewards: The Druzhina Knight portrait and Rise and Fall Streltsy fact.
Black Powder
Required: Research double time from the Archery Range and defeat 30 enemies with Streltsy.
Rewards: The Rus Warrior Monk portrait and Boyars fact.
Ours is the Glory
Required: Achieve a scared victory with fully upgraded Warrior Monks.
Rewards: The Ivan the Terrible portrait and Tsar and the Church fact.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Right Quadrant banner and Fear and Control fact.
Related: All the Hundred Years War Campaign levels and unlockable content in Age of Empires IV
Abbasid Dynasty Masteries

Commerce and Science
Required: Collect 1,000 resources before the first wing of your House of Wisdom is complete.
Rewards: The Fertile Crescent fact and Windmill portrait.
The Path Taken
Required: Research the first technology available from a wing in your House of Wisdom before reaching the Castle Age.
Rewards: The Mighty Camel fact and Eastern Windmill sigil.
Test of Strength I
Required: Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the easy A.I.
Rewards: An Enduring Dynasty fact and Camel portrait.
Support the Strong
Required: Defeat 30 enemy units with infantry who are receiving support from Camels.
Rewards: The Round City of Baghdad fact and Abbasid Engineer portrait.
Love of Knowledge
Required: Research 30 technologies discounted by the Preservation of Knowledge.
Rewards: The From Alchemy to Chemistry fact and Camel and Rider sigil.
Culture of Trade
Required: Collect 5,000 gold from your Traders after researching Spice Roads.
Rewards: The Mill Power fact and Abbasid Ship portrait.
Test of Strength II
Required: Defeat the intermediate A.I.
Rewards: The Baghdad at Its Height fact and Trader monument.
Expeditious Production
Required: Create 100 military units after achieving Tier 3 of the Golden Age.
Rewards: The Medieval Metallurgy fact and Camel Rider portrait.
Smell of Defeat
Required: Defeat 30 enemy cavalry units with your Camel Riders.
Rewards: The Great Mosque of Samarra fact and Sun frame.
Heart and Mind
Required: Heal 300 health on friendly units using your Medical Centers.
Rewards: The Diplomacy by Elephant historical fact and Imam portrait.
Test of Strength III
Required: Defeat the hard A.I.
Rewards: The End of an Age fact and Ulayya Bint Al-Mahdi portrait.
Bounty of the Earth
Required: Increase the yield of 18 berry bushes and accrue 9,000 food.
Rewards: A Mathematical World fact and Abbasid Sailor portrait.
Resourceful in Warfare
Required: Construct 10 ranged siege units with your melee infantry.
Rewards: The Glass Optics fact and Rabia Al-Adawiyya portrait.
No Higher Honor
Required: Win a wonder victory after achieving Tier 3 of the Golden Age.
Rewards: The Age of Automation fact and Abbas Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib portrait.
Test of Strength IV
Required: Defeat the hardest A.I.
Rewards: The Ceremonial Dynasty fact and Astrological Instruments sigil.
For more Age of Empires content, check out All military units in Age of Empires IV on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 11, 2021 04:00 am