Acting can be quite an adventurous career in BitLife due to the fact that types of roles, location, and performance can give very different outcomes. This means there ends up being many different types of achievements possible for your character to obtain.
Acting Achievements in BitLife
Achievement Name | Action Required |
Baby, I'm Bollywood! | Act in a lead role in a Bollywood Film (requires being in India) |
Best in Show | Get awarded with the Best Actor award |
Boo! Boooo! | At an awards show, get booed off of the stage (usually by behaving badly) |
Co-Star Calmer | Calm down an anxious co-worker |
Deadpan Performance | Play a zombie through the Extra job tab |
Por Siempre con Amor | Be any reoccurring role on a long-running telenovela show (Latin America) |
Smells like Asscar | Be awarded Worst Picture at an awards show |
That's Showbiz | Have a talent agent drop you (stop working with you) |
Worse than Bennifer | Have critics say your movie is worse than "Gigli" |
Related: All TV and Movie Genres in BitLife
How to be an Actor in BitLife
Early on in life, you can have your character join the Drama Club in school and take acting classes if their parents allow it (you can choose it for them if they have a job and money). Once your character is an adult, they'll need to hire an Acting Agent under the Special Careers tab to help find them a job. If you pay for the Acting career pack for the app, then you can directly apply for acting roles under the Special Careers tab. Applying to be an extra is the same as a freelance gig, meaning they are low-paying and one-off jobs. Movie and TV roles are longer projects that result in increased fame.
Want to read more about BitLife? Check out How to become an Actor & Movie Star in BitLife on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 17, 2022 5:47 PM UTC