Crafting is a big part of Bleak Faith: Forsaken and there are a lot of builds that are entirely dependent on having the right materials. Crystals and consumables require the right materials to make, and if players use up everything they have, they won't have a resupply of healing either. Unlocking recipes over the course of the game requires time but also just picking up the right things. This is how Crafting works in Bleak Faith: Forsaken.
How Crafting works in Bleak Faith Forsaken

The easiest explanation for Crafting is just that you defeat enemies, get materials for them, and then use those materials to make items in Bleak Faith: Forsaken. While all that is true, there is a limit to how much the player can hold while in combat at a time. The Crafting Menu is located within the Equipment Menu but can be accessed quickly on Keyboard with K. From the menu, everything craftable will appear along with the materials required to craft the item selected and more recipes will unlock as players collect more materials.
Related: How to use Weapon Abilities in Bleak Faith Forsaken
When equipping consumables or arrows, players can only carry a set number of them. No matter how many Restorative Fluids the player may have in the Inventory, they will only be able to use two in a set combat encounter. However, when out of combat, players can go back to their Inventory screen to refill their items. This can easily be done just by going to the Inventory screen and back out, but if it doesn't work, there will be a Refill option next to the Quick Select item as well.
How the Manufacturing and Upgrading Menu works in Bleak Faith Forsaken

Similarly to how the Crafting menu works, players can Manufacture Crystals and Upgrade their weapons and armor. This can only be done after speaking to the NPC known as the Handler where weapons can be upgraded to a higher level Mk. to have more Crystals equipped, or have their embedded Crystals swapped out and destroyed in favor of other Crystals. For Build variety, players can experiment around by raising different stats that they enjoy in the game.
For more Bleak Faith: Forsaken guides, check out How to Jump in Bleak Faith Forsaken here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 10, 2023 10:03 am