Some weapons in Bleak Faith: Forsaken have passive skills attached to them that help in battle. While most of these skills are passive, players will eventually come across weapons with special skills called Weapon Abilities that must be activated to use. These can range in usefulness and each Ability will have a cooldown and use Flux so that they can't just be spammed. While the game does show how powerful these Abilities can be, it doesn't outright explain just how to use them, especially on a controller. This is how to equip weapon Abilities in Bleak Faith: Forsaken.
How to equip Weapon Skills in Bleak Faith Forsaken

Many weapons will have a Passive Skill attached to them with, some of them even having a Weapon Ability that can be used in Bleak Faith: Forsaken. These tend to be very strong attacks that will consume Flux. These Abilities are equipped so long as the weapon is being used, meaning players can't use an ability that is attached to one weapon while using another. To use the Ability, players can use either Triangle for PlayStation controllers, Y on Xbox controllers, or Shift + 3 on Keyboard.
Related: How to use the Crafting Menu in Bleak Faith Forsaken
When playing on a controller, players may find that their weapon ability has been overwritten with another item. Players that have filled their Tool Belts with other items as their Quick Slots will have to open up their Quick Slot menu and select their Weapon Ability from the radial menu. To do this for the first slot, players will have to hold down either Square on PlayStation controllers or X on Xbox controllers. For the second slot, players will have to hold down either Triangle on PlayStation controllers or Y on Xbox controllers.
After the Weapon Ability is chosen, players will be able to use it by pressing that Quick Slot button. On PC, this isn't necessary as there are dedicated combinations for it in Shift + 3 or Shift + 4 for Weapon One and Weapon Two Abilities.
For more Bleak Faith: Forsaken guides, check out How to unlock Perks and Abilities in Bleak Faith Forsaken here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 10, 2023 10:02 am