The perks mechanic in the Modern Warfare 3 has been completely revamped from the way it worked in 2011. Where the original perks were assigned to one of three slots, in the new system, they're split up into four distinct armor types. This allows the player to customize their perks more closely according to their preferred playstyle. Here are all the perks in the Modern Warfare 3.
Call of Duty MW3 All Perks

There are four different types of armor, and each type has its own selection of three to six possible perks, including vests, gloves, boots, and gear. Keep in mind that perks cannot stack.
Vests Perks
There are four different possible chest armor perks that you can choose for your loadout.
- Demolition Vest: Resupply Lethal and Tactical equipment every 25 seconds.
- Engineer Vest: Spot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights also highlights them for the team. Faster Field Upgrade recharge.
- Gunner Vest: Deploy with max ammo. Improved reload speed.
- Infantry Vest: Increases Tac Sprint duration and reduces refresh time.
Gloves Perks
The hand perk slot can be filled with one of three different gloves. These affect the swapping and reloading of weapons.
- Commando Gloves: Reload while sprinting.
- Quick-Grip Gloves: Increased weapon swap speed.
- Scavenger Gloves: Resupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players.
Boots Perks
The boot slot has five choices, giving you options to alter your character's movement speeds and sounds.
- Climbing Boots: Increases climbing and mantling speed. Reduces fall damage.
- Covert Sneakers: Eliminates footstep sounds.
- Lightweight Boots: Increases movement and swim speed. Reduces noise while swimming.
- Stalker Boots: Increases strafe and ADS movement speed.
- Tactical Pads: Increases slide distance and allows for full ADS while sliding. Increases stance transition speeds and crouched movement speed.

Gear Perks
Gear is an additional item you can bring with you onto the field. These have a variety of perks attached to them.
- Bone Conduction Headset: Reduces combat noise, allowing improved identification of enemy footsteps and gunshots.
- EOD Padding: Reduces damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire.
- Ghost T/V Camo: While moving, blocks detection by UAVs, enemy radar sources, and Heartbeat Sensors.
- Mission Control Comlink: Reduces Killstreak cost by one kill. Reduce Scorestreak cost by 125.
- L/R Detector: Warns of hostile laser and radiation sources.
- Tac Mask: Reduces the strength of enemy flash, stun, and gas grenades. Grants immunity to shock, EMP, and Snapshot Grenades.
For more Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, check out What content will not carry over from MW2 to MW3? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 6, 2023 10:54 am