So, you've wrapped up the campaign of The Final Shape, had that rather frightening (yet hopeful) standoff with the Witness, and now you want the sword you're going to die with. Then let me walk you through how to get the Ergro Sum exotic sword in Destiny 2 The Final Shape.
Destiny 2 The FInal Shape - Destined Heroes Quest Guide
Step one is to beat the main campaign if you haven't already, as you can only begin the quest to unlock Ergo Sum, 'Destined Heroes', after doing so. Speak with Ghost, and he'll give you the quest. There are nine steps in total, but don't worry, it doesn't take all that long.

Firstly you'll be prompted to listen to a message coming in on the radio right beside Ghost, which will reveal the fact that our old frenemy Savathûn isn't quite done doing my head in just yet. Listen to the message, and then head off to do your first quest on the chain, Queens, Part 1. (The marker for which won't be far from the radio in which you received the message.)
I'll be providing some brief guidance on this mission, as it has a few mechanics that genuinely puzzled me for a little bit when I was first going through it myself.
Queens, Part 1 Walkthrough Guide
For the most part, this mission is straightforward, so I'll only guide the sections that have a special mechanic involved. First of which is the use of Hive Knight Swords to activate big floating Hive Runes.
Shortly after beginning the mission, you'll drop down into a small room with a Knight, and an Acolyte. Kill the Knight so he drops his sword, and then pick it up. You'll note that when you do, the Acolyte gains an invulnerability shield, which is good because for once we don't actually want to turn something into a fine paste... at least right away.
The way forward will be blocked off by a big Hive Rune, and the trick is to use the blocking feature on the sword to redirect the attacks coming from the Acolyte in the room with you so that they hit the rune.

You'll be doing this quite a few times throughout the mission ahead, so best to get some practice in now while it's only one Acolyte and not... six Witches or something.
The next area is far larger, and there's a total of 10 runes to activate here, but thankfully they're all separated and organized by element type. Now here's an important part: the colors on the Runes matter, as does the element they get hit with. Different enemies do different types of elemental damage, and you'll need to make sure you're redirecting the right kind of fire. It's best to go off which color they're shooting at you, but we'll also explain which enemies fire which element.
- Purple Rune - Void Damage - Fired by Shrieker Turrets
- Blue Rune - Arc Damage - Fired by Wizards
- Orange Rune - Solar Damage - Fired by Knights

Move through this arena, get all those bullets properly parried, and then you'll be able to move on to the next section. We'll just be doing this again, albeit with one extra step. When you reach the next Rune section, you'll see that all of the runes have a sort of forcefield around them, so you'll need to take that off before we do the reflecting.

This isn't too difficult either, as it just requires you to perform a heavy attack with the Hive sword, which will fire a projectile. Aim that projectile at the bright green orbs above the forcefields, and then proceed with redirecting enemy attacks to trigger the runes again.
Continue on with the mission, and eventually, you'll come across the ever-lovely Savathûn again. This is a boss fight with another simple mechanic, but we'll break down the first section just for clarity. When you reach Savathûn, you will see three more Runes, but this time you'll also see three shrines that each hold an elemental orb. As you might guess, your aim is to grab these orbs and throw them directly at the corresponding runes. I've included one highlighted example in the image below.

Once you've dunked all three (you can miss, don't worry; I totally didn't miss twice in a row though) you'll be able to deal damage to Savathûn. Eventually, once you've done enough, she'll move on to a new area and you'll repeat this process again, albeit with twice as much throwing. Once she's dealt with, that first mission will be done, and you'll be free to keep moving on.
Next Steps
Once you're done with the Savathûn mission, you'll be directed to introduce yourself to a new Guardian: Micah-10. They want your help saving some lost Ghosts hidden around the Pale Heart, and this serves as an introduction to this new activity. Speak with Micah-10 and exhaust the dialogue before moving on.

Next up is chatting to Cayde-6, who will give you the quest for another exotic. You can do that one later; for now, you have to get the sword you're totally gonna die with.

After speaking with Cayde-6, you'll be prompted to speak to Ghost once more. This will set you off on quite a lengthy chain of quests, but they aren't too difficult. You'll be told to go to two separate locations, which we'll mark below, one that will give you some more Light abilities, and another that will give you some more Dark abilities.
The Lost in Light quests will have you joining the ever charming Mithrax in his search for a Kell who wronged him quite badly indeed. The first mission 'The Hollow, Part 1' will require you to defend your Ghost whilst he hacks a Fallen terminal for you. Later you'll have to go and do some more mote grinding, but simpler than the main campaign. Kill Light Eaters for Light Motes, kill Dark Eaters for Dark Motes, and then take them to where they need to go. And finally you'll have a boss, but don't worry, he's a big softie. You'll need to drop off some more motes in his phase shift to get him vulnerable again.
The Hollow, Part 2 is quite a bit longer, and has you going back to Europa. You'll need to defend exploding shanks from enemy fire a few times during this one, but other than that it's standard fare. The boss at the end can be a bit tough based entirely on the amount of mobs that spawn, and in order to get him vulnerable, you'll need to target the Servitors on either side of his arena. Killing them will have them drop Arc orbs, which you then deposit in the middle of the arena. Drop off three, and more exploding shanks will come to take the boss shield off. Repeat until the boss is properly dead.
Found in the Dark is the next section, and this will have you doing Home, Part 1 and 2. These missions have less variety than The Hollow, and for the most part you'll be seeking out enemies carrying either artillery antennae (part 1) or unstable power cores (part 2). (They'll have markers in game so you know who to shoot.) You take those antennae/cores and place/throw them on/at generators, which have been awkwardly placed on large concrete structures. These two missions consist of a lot of fighting, so make sure you're prepared for quite the slog. Your final boss here will be a tank, and there's no mechanics involved apart from a brief period of invulnerability in which you'll have to clear some enemies, so just make sure you bring a damage Super and your best heavy weapon.
Once you've done both of those quest chains, you'll be prompted to return once again to the Tower, where you'll have Queens, Part 2 waiting for you around the same area you got Queens, Part 1. This one is rather straightforward forward too, so we won't go over it here, but take comfort in knowing you're nearly done. You also get to enjoy a bit of a catfight between two of the most powerful beings in existence, which is always a good time when you're fighting for your life.

Upon completion of Queens, Part 2, once more you'll return to the Tower to speak with Ghost, and he'll give you a Dyadic Prism item, and unlock a new landing area on the map for us. Accept the item, go to your director, and locate 'THE SACRARIUM' on your map before flying over to it.
When there, walk ahead, try not to look at the really big and scary Ghost, and interact with the sword in the ground to return to the place you fought The Witness, and make your fate. I won't put any images of that section here, because it's really something you should experience for yourself. And with that, congratulations! You've successfully unlocked Ergo Sum, and can now go off and slice some poor Dreg in half to really put it through its paces.
Ergo Sum God Rolls and Farming
So, Ergo Sum is quite the complex weapon when it comes to Exotics. There's been a few Exotics with random rolls before, but only very few and certainly not with this extreme availability of options. And as chance has such a part to play in Ergo Sum, it's also a very farmable Exotic weapon.
Due to how early it is in the life of The Final Shape and Ergo Sum, giving an exact God roll is very difficult as the variations are vast. However, a great place to start is to take what the typical god rolls for any other sword are, and then work from there.
For most swords, the God rolls are considered to be Jagged Edge for your blade roll, Swordmaster's Guard for your guard roll, and normally an aggressive frame would be considered the one to push for, but in this instance I'm not so sure. Due to the nature of Ergo Sum, I believe certain frames will lend themselves far better to certain perks. For example, I suspect the Wolfpack Rounds exotic perk with the Caster Frame would be far better than Wolfpack with an Aggressive frame, due to the nature of how the Wolfpack Rounds perk works for Ergo Sum.
Ultimately, this time around the best thing to do is to get as many Ergo Sum drops as possible, look for Jagged Edge and Swordmaster's Guard, and then experiment with your exotic perks and frames. For example, my first Ergo Sum was the new fancy Wave Frame, along with the Arc Conductor perk from Riskrunner, which in combination with each other can be absolutely devastating against large groups of mobs. My second one was a Void one with an aggressive frame and Unplanned Reprieve, which makes it so my heavy attacks hit like a truck.
In regards to farming Ergo Sum drops, you can get two a week from the Pathfinder bounty line. Get all the way to the end of Pathfinder to receive your new roll of Ergo Sum. You also have a chance of getting one by doing the Overthrow activity, and you can do that as many times as you need.
If you've found this helpful, and want some more Destiny 2 content from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our guide on how to get Prismatic Fragments, and if you're one of the unlucky folks like me who suffered through those early connection problems, we've complied a list of All Pre-Raid Cutscenes in The Final Shape Campaign!
Published: Jun 6, 2024 02:22 am