Despite Blizzard's stance against a secret cow level in Diablo 4, it seems that, with Season 2, they've had a change of heart. Rumblings of a secret cow level have begun to brew, and while the level hasn't been officially opened as of yet, significant progress toward that goal has been established.
That said, if you want in on all the fun, then you too can begin progress toward unveiling the Secret Cow level. The process is rather involved, but if you don't mind a bit of cryptic work, then here's how to begin unlocking the secret cow level in Diablo 4.
How to unlock the Secret cow level in Diablo 4
Unveiling the Secret cow level means you'll first need to get your hands on three specific relics that drop in very specific regions through Diablo 4:
- Bloody Wooden Shard - Drops in the Hawezar region
- Musty Tome - Drops in the Fractured Peaks region
- Intricate Metallic Fragment - Drops in the Dry Steppes region
Now, you may be wondering why you need these three relics and what they exactly drop from. Well, the relics themselves need to be cleaned at a fountain in Ked Bardu and then offered to the three Oxen God located around it. These three statues are the Oxen Gods, and their names relate to their relative location around the fountain (North, West, and South). The Oxen God of the East is the only statue you can interact with at the beginning, and all it does is offer hints about the process I've already mentioned.

All three relics drop from cows in their listed region. However, this is more complicated than just farming up a bunch of them. According to data mining, there is a hidden counter called the Cow Counter, which is specific to each player embarking on this quest. The Cow Counter requires you to kill 666 cows in order to get one of the relics to drop. So in order to get the Musty Tome to drop, you'll need to kill 666 cows in the Fractured Peaks region.
These relics are a global drop, meaning that if another player kills their 666 cows, the relic drops drops for everyone to see and interact with. This is why you should try to keep a relative count of the number of cows you've killed so you know when to expect them to drop.
Speaking of relics drops, only one relic per character per week, can drop at a given time. This part of the process is the biggest blocker, as it functions as a timegate preventing progress until the allotted time has passed. This means that unlocking the cow level requires at least three weeks to complete.
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How to offer the Relics to the Oxen Gods
When you have all three relics, take them back to the Ked Bardu Fountain and drop them into it. This is the cleaning process, and only takes a moment to do. I recommend doing one relic at a time, to keep things orderly. Once done, pick up each relic and interact with the three Oxen Gods surrounding the fountain. When you've offered all three relics, a Strange Key will drop, which begins the next piece of this wild puzzle, unlocking Forlorn Hovel.
How to unlock Forlon Hovel
You may have already encountered Forlon Hovel during your previous adventures in Diablo 4. This is because it is located on the eastern tip of Socsglen.

Thankfully, opening Forlon Hovel is simple since you should now have the Strange Key, which is the key to opening it up. Head there and open the cellar leading to the hovel. According to some sources, the opening of Forlon Hovel seems to be a permanent event for each player who manages to do so. I am unable to confirm this as of yet, but rest assured I'll keep you updated. One final note: If you do not have the Strange Key, you will not be able to interact with Forlon Hovel in any way.
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For now, head into the Hovel and kill off all the cows you find inside. One of them should drop the next key to the puzzle, the Stamina Potion. If you're new to the Diablo franchise, then know that this item is a major reference to Diablo 2's Secret cow level because The Cow King in that title often dropped Stamina Potions.
What to do with the Stamina Potion from Forlon Hovel?
The Stamina Potion is a consumable that applies a buff, though its effects are currently unknown. Unfortunately, this is as far as progress on unlocking the Secret cow level has gotten. It is obvious that the potion's buff is for something relating to the Secret cow level, but where and how are total is a total mystery at the moment. Eventually, a resolution will come, and when it does, you be sure to check back here as soon as possible. I'll make sure to have this guide updated for you. The Secret cow level of Diablo 4 must be found for the sake of the Diablo franchise.
For more guides and information relating to all things Diablo 4, check out Diablo 4 Auto Salvage – Does it exist? right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 23, 2023 11:40 am