In Diablo 4, you will require different resources like the Fiend Rose to upgrade various items. However, Fiend Rose is an exceptionally rare resource, and you won't find this item until you've completed the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. I've been farming Fiend Rose to support my endgame build, and you need to know the best locations to find this item. Here's how to find and farm Fiend Rose in Diablo 4.
Where to find Fiend Rose in Diablo 4

Fiend Rose is a plant resource that you will find at Helltides after completing the campaign and unlocking World Tier 3. Essentially, Helltide takes over a part of the map for one hour, turning the land into blood red, and filling it with tough and Elite enemies. The loot you will get at Helltide regions is fantastic, but the combat can be ridiculously fast and grueling. I found a few Fiend Roses by interacting with the tree nodes as shown in the image above. You can also acquire them from chests, and Elite enemies.
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How to use Fiend Rose in Diablo 4

Fiend Rose is a resource you will need to use to craft Elixirs, Incense, and also to upgrade the Major Healing Potion. You need to visit the Alchemist's Shop to start crafting different Elixirs and Incense. As for the Healing Potion upgrade, you'll need to grind up to level 80 to unlock it.
Best Fiend Rose farming spots in Diablo 4
One thing that I'd like to point out from experience is that it's highly advantageous to unlock all the fast travel points across the map, as you'll need to travel around to join the Helltide. Since Helltide timer lasts only one hour, you would ideally want to fast travel to the closest waypoint and start grinding. Farming Fiend Roses can be tricky, and I'd recommend looking for tree nodes in the Helltide areas. It is best if you scan the region by riding on your horse to quickly get this resource.

Alternatively, you can fight Elites and complete different World Events inside Helltides. World Events drop Fighting Elite opponents gives you a chance to get better loot including Fiend Roses. Check the map image above to see how a Helltide event looks in-game. Visit this location, and start fighting the regular enemies and Elite bosses to farm endgame resources. When in the endgame, you will also need items like Forgotten Souls, Crushed Beast Bones, Baleful Fragments, and Coiling Ward, so have a look at our guides to see how to get these resources.
Wondering how to land a Lucky Hit on monsters in Diablo 4? Check out Diablo 4 Lucky Hit Chance – How it works, explained on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 8, 2023 01:10 pm