In Enshrouded, you should unlock Ancient Spires as soon as possible, since these fast travel points make exploration easier and provide a high platform from where to use your glider. The Low Meadows Spire has some tricky puzzles, but this walkthrough will help you solve them.
How to unlock the Low Meadows Ancient Spire

The first floor of the tower is clear: no enemies, no traps. Before taking the portal in the center, check the outside of the tower on the north-east corner. There is a Mana Potion, two Animal Fur, and a Lore Page that provides XP when you read it. Now you are ready to take the portal to the second floor.
Second floor of Low Meadows Spire Walkthrough

The portal leaves you in front of a locked door that needs two buttons press to be opened. To your right there's a corridor filled with spike traps. The first button is right in front of the door, above a safe portion of the floor. The second button is in the same room, to the left of the balcony.
Once you've pressed both, keep going down the corridor into the next room, and you'll find a silver chest behind an arcane trap of lightning emitters. Dodge roll, or wait in between the two bursts of magic, since these can deal a lot of damage (close to 150 HP depending on your armour).
Coming back to the initial room, the door is now open, and you can access the portal that will take you to the third floor.
Related: Find a Way to Enter The Ancient Spire Quest Guide for Enshrouded
Third floor of the Low Meadows Spire Walkthrough

This portal leaves you next to a locked door that needs a single button activated to be opened. The corridor takes you through a spike trap that is turned off, but when you activate the button at the end of it, the door will open and the trap will turn on.
The next room has two locked doors, each needing a button to be opened: one leads to the portal to the next floor, while the other one leads to a gold chest. If you continue walking on the only available route, you'll get to a corridor with two long spike traps, where you'll be better off running and dodge rolling to get to the end without taking a hit. There's a common chest in the balcony next to the traps.
Once you pass the spiked corridor, you'll get to the portal that you saw behind a locked door. You are free to continue to the fourth floor, however there's a button in the same room of the portal, which opens the locked door with the chest in the previous room.
You have to press it, go back avoiding the spike traps, and get into the recently opened room where you will find a golden chest. There's another button in the chest room that opens the door towards the portal, so you don't have to go through the spike traps again.
Fourth floor of the Low Meadows Spire Walkthrough

The whole floor in this room is covered in spikes. Don't try to open the door in front of you; it is locked and you will take damage. Instead, continue following the alternate pattern of the traps towards the next door, at the very end of the room.
There's nothing important in the balconies, but you can use them as respites if you need them. Also, it is worth breaking all the pots you find since some can spawn health potions.
The next room has a floor of lava, but a running jump is enough to get across; now you'll have to climb a metallic mesh on the wall. In the next hallway there are more arcane emitters on the wall, and at the end you'll find a button on the floor.
Two-player puzzle

The button on the floor holds the door to your left open, as long as you are standing on it. But the instant you leave, the door will close, and it is far enough so you can't dash or Blink inside. This puzzle is intended to be solved with another player since one of you has to stand on the button while the other one grabs the chest.
I tried putting a campfire on top, shooting arrows, and throwing explosives at it, but there are no other means of pressing it than having a player stand on it.
Grappling Hook puzzle

Moving forward, look up and use the grappling hook on the ring of the ceiling to swing toward the climbable mesh on the wall. Be sure to have full Stamina, or you'll run out of it while climbing, fall on the spike trap of the floor below, and likely die (it happened to a friend of mine).
From the climbable mesh, go to the right to find a gold chest and a common chest. Then climb the mesh again and go up, where you'll find the button to deactivate the spike traps and open the door to the last portal.
With that, you'll be on the roof and you will be able to commune with the flame and unlock the Fast Travel Point.
For more on Enshrouded, check out How to repair and upgrade weapons in Enshrouded here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 25, 2024 07:11 am