You may have come across an area before only to be greeted by the buzzing of honeybees. Curious, you decide to investigate, only to be greeted by a monstrosity much larger than any normal honeybee. This is the Honey Beast, an enemy in Fallout 76 that attacks you with the honeybees that live inside of the hives growing on its back. One of the major tips for Fallout 76 is to keep stocked up on food, and since honey is a great food item to have on hand, knowing where to find it and Honey Beasts can be a useful piece of information.
Where to find Honey Beasts in Fallout 76
Honey Beasts can be found through a couple of methods. While there are defined locations where Honey Beasts will spawn, there are also some alternative means of finding them. The defined locations where these creatures will spawn can be found below.
Savage Divide

Within the Savage Divide region there are two locations that contain Honey Bears:
- The Middle Mountains Cabins is the first location you should head to. This area is one of the best ways to find Honey Beasts, for as many as eight can spawn around it.
- The Seneca Rocks Visitor Center will also contain some Honey Beasts.
The Mire

The Mire is another region home to two locations that contain Honey Beasts:
- The Treetops location will sometimes spawn three Honey Beasts within the area.
- Freddy's House of Scares holds a cave to the Northeast that will also spawn Honey Beasts.
Besides these locations, there are also two event quests that will guarantee encountering Honey Beasts. The first of these is the Irrational Fear event quest. To start this event, head to Raleigh Clay's Bunker in The Mire, then head North. You'll eventually find Mr. Handy, who will ask you to help him gather honey. Mr. Handy is terrified of bees, and thus you'll need to accompany him and slay the Honey Beasts that attack.
The second of these events is the Fasnacht Day event. This event is seasonal and therefore is not always available to players, but when it is active it is a great source of Honey Beasts because two of the quests within the event will lead you to fighting them. The event takes place in Helvetia, and the two quests that include Honey Beasts are those given by the Cheerful Beekeeper and Happy Candlemaker Protectotrons, who will task you with either clearing out Honey Beasts or getting beeswax that is also near the Honey Beasts.
Published: Jan 6, 2023 01:59 pm