In Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.4, three new NPCs were added to the game to dispense a series of new Orchestrion Rolls. These NPCs have a total of seven new Orchestrion Rolls to purchase. But where are they?
Music Roll Vendor locations in Final Fantasy XIV
The three vendors are located in the Adventurer’s Guilds of the three main city states in Eorzea. There’s one in Limsa Lominsa, one in New Gridania, and one in Ul’dah. We’ve included maps of the locations below:
Limsa Lominsa Music Roll Vendor

New Gridania Music Roll Vendor

Ul’dah Music Roll Vendor

Related: How to unlock the new Unreal Trial – Containment Bay Z1T9 (Unreal) in FFXIV Patch 6.4
Each NPC sells the same Orchestion Rolls, listed below. Each is marketed for 1,000 gil and hasn’t been in the game previously, so there's no danger of doubling up.
- Tranquility
- Skullduggery
- Damnation
- Machinations
- Kiss of Chaos
- Return of the Hero
- Conundrum
- Fracture
In total, 18 new Orchestrion rolls were added in Patch 6.4, and almost half of them are simply purchased from these new NPCs. It’s a great way to increase your Orchestrion Roll collection, unlocking new rewards and giving you more music to play in your Inn Room of Player Housing.
For more Final Fantasy XIV guides, news, and more, check out Tataru’s Grand Endeavor Patch 6.4 – How to unlock in FFXIV on Pro Game Guides
Published: May 25, 2023 12:03 pm