The Enlightened Peak is a part of the first major area you'll be venturing through in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn. Getting there can be tricky if you don't know how, but fear not, for I'll tell you just how.
How to get to Enlightened Peak in Flintlock Siege of Dawn
The Enlightened Peak is where you'll need to go for the 'A Delayed Reunion' side quest, or if you're on the hunt for Enki Feathers. This area is way off to the left side on the map of the Three Peaks, and it's actually very unclear on how it is you're meant to reach it. I myself spent ages getting it wrong, before finally figuring it out. (Well into the second major area might I add.)
To get there, you'll want to travel to the White Bridge Hamlet (1) (which is where you accept the side quest if you're on it), and from there, head to the area marked on the map below (2).

You can get here by heading right directly after leaving the coffee shop, and proceeding down the path until you reach a fork in the road. Here you'll need to head left and towards the crane.
Underneath the crane there will be a Rift Travel Skull, which you'll need to activate and then follow all the way to the Enlightened Peaks area. It's a straight shot, but there's some offshoots for some resources for you to collect if you need them. You'll be looking for the rest point light that'll come up on your approach, but again, it's a straight shot so you shouldn't struggle to find it.
If you've found this guide helpful and you're looking for some more Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn content from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our Rammuha Boss Guide seeing as you're in the area anyways!
Published: Jul 18, 2024 05:05 am