Time to see what's available in the Fortnite Item Shop for December 27, 2020! Each day gets us a batch of new cosmetics to purchase, however, they aren't always things we haven't seen before. We often get items that have been in the shop many times. While that might bum you out a bit, there are days when we get completely new items that have never been available, and you will get a chance to be one of the first to purchase it!
The skins available for December 27, 2020 are: Crackshot, Glimmer, Krampus, Master Chief, Crackabella, Doggo, Ginger Gunner, Globe Shaker, Kane, Merry Marauder, Polar Patroller, Slushy Soldier, Sugarplum, Yule Trooper, Aerial Threat, Bundles, Clinical Crosser, Cutiepie, Dolph, Dynamic Dribbler, Fa-La-La-La-Fishstick, Finesse Finisher, Frosted Flurry, Gingerbread Raider, Grimbles, Holly Striker, Karve, Maki Master, Midfield Maestro, Mr. Dappermint, Poised Playmaker, Red-Nosed Raider, Snowbell, Stalwart Sweeper, Super Striker, Cozy Commander, Holly Jammer, Jolly Jammer, Nog Ops, PJ Patroller, Red-Nosed Ranger, Scorpion, Tinseltoes and Yuletide Ranger, while also containing the following items: Master Chief Bundle, Frost Legends, Gravity Hammer, Lil’ Warthog, UNSC Pelican, Never Gonna, Savage, Branch Basher, Candy Axe, Crackdown, Krampus’ Little Helper, Ride Along, Bitter Sweets, Brat Catcher, Candy Cache, Cheery Chime, Cold Snap, Cozy Coaster, Crystal Carriage, Fishicles, Flurry, Frosty Serenade, Frosty Visions, Gingersledge, Holiday Ham, Holly Jolly Hatchet, Kick Ups, Merry Mountaineer, Polar Poleaxe, Poultry Pummelers, Pummel Moose, Ring It On, Snow Globe, Studded Axe, Vuvuzela, Candy Cane, Candy Cleavers, Candy Plane, Cookie Cutter, Cozy Holidays, Elite Cleat, Fancy Dandy Canes, Gingersled, Goalbound, Ho Ho Ho, Holiday Hook, Holiday Hydrant, Icicle, Merry Stripe, Ol’ Chopper, Party Favor, Rage Quit, Red Card, Sing Along, Tree Topper, Tundra Blades, Unwrapped, You Shouldn’t Have! and Yule Breakers.
You can check out what's available in the current shop in our always updated item shop page