Fortnite Item Shop

Time to see what's available in the Fortnite Item Shop for February 2, 2024! Each day gets us a batch of new cosmetics to purchase, however, they aren't always things we haven't seen before. We often get items that have been in the shop many times. While that might bum you out a bit, there are days when we get completely new items that have never been available, and you will get a chance to be one of the first to purchase it!

The skins available for February 2, 2024 are: Dark Bomber, Ali-A, Bugha, Chica, Lachlan, SypherPK, The Weeknd Combat, TheGrefg, Flare, Kuno, Nitebeam, Thunder, Depth Dealer, Limelight, Outcast, Sig, Bracer, Guild and Sureshot, while also containing the following items: Falcon, Dark Bomber Bundle, Dark Glyph, Thunder Crash, Aida’s Edge, Ali-Tech Staff, Axe-O, Bugha Blades, Evil Plan, Me & You, PWR Slicers, Popular Vibe, Say So, Shugoki, Staff of Control, Sypher’s Scimitar, The Weeknd Bundle, Llamacadabra, Rock Out, Stitches, Billy Bounce, Megabat, Splintered Light, Talons, Agile Edge, Targeted and Welcome to Paradise.

You can check out what's available in the current shop in our always updated item shop page

Avaliable on February 2, 2024

46 All
19 Outfit
11 Harvesting Tool
7 Emote
5 Glider
2 Bundle
1 Back Bling
1 Loading Screen

Falcon Clan

Lightning & Thunderstorms



The Weeknd






Volume 11


Street Rep

Open Water


Intercept Agent

Modern Mercenary
