With a new week, we welcome new challenges and quests. We're now in Week 5 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6.
Epic Quests are dropped every Tuesday. However, what puts Chapter 2 Season 6 apart from the others is the reward for completing each challenge. Each Epic Quest (and their different stages) are awarded 24,000 XP.
Legendary Challenges are also cycled out each week, but it's important to note that they change every Thursday rather than every Tuesday. The first tier of the Legendary Challenges is rewarded with 35,000 XP, and every subsequent tier is rewarded with 24,500 XP.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 5 Epic Quests Guide & Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet Map
The map below provides the locations of all the spawns for this week's quests with specific locations. The map legend is listed below it.

- Pink: Areas with the highest amount of Campfires.
- Green: Areas with the highest amount of Ammo Box spawns.
- Blue: All garage (Chonky's Customs) locations to mod tires.
- Yellow: Start and finish location for vehicle quest.
Not only do we have the map above, but we have some helpful tips for each individual quest below. It appears that the best place to complete the quests this week is Sweaty Sands.
- Deal Damage with SMGs [1000]
- It's easiest to do this in Squads. When you or your teammates knock an opponent, take out an SMG and take advantage of the fact that your opponents have limited movement while crawling. Alternative, you can easily do this in Team Rumble, especially towards the end of the match.
- Search Ammo Boxes [5]
- The ammo boxes surrounded by green boxes show you the areas with the highest density of ammo box spawns. They spawn all across the map, but we recommend doing this in Sweaty Sands so you can complete a couple of other quests along the way.
- Use a Campfire [1]
- The campfires surround by pink boxes in the image above show you the locations with the highest density of campfires. They are spread all across the map, but you can find them more easily in the areas shown. Still, it would be best to do this in Sweaty Sands so you can complete a couple of other quests along the way.
- Modify Vehicles with Off-road tires [3]
- The tires surround by teal boxes in the map above show you all the garages in which you can modify your vehicles. When you enter the garage, collect the off-road tires from racks, the floor, or work benches. Carry the tire in your inventory until you see a vehicle, then throw it at the vehicle like a grenade. The vehicle will then have off-road tires equipped.
- Drive from Sweaty Sands to Colossal Crops without leaving the vehicle
- We recommend dropping in Sweaty Sands to do this quest as early as possible. Land near the garage on the western edge of town, grab a vehicle and fill the tank, then equip it with off-road tires using the method mentioned above. It's best to do this with a Whiplash, but any car will do. If there are no off-road tires available, definitely complete this task with a Truck so you can drive straight there without limited control. Fill your tank!
- Maintain a speed of 65 or greater for 4 seconds in a vehicle
- The best way to do this is with a Whiplash that has been modded with off-road tires. Sedans can reach a speed of 65, but it's much harder. You don't have to be on the road to do this, but if you don't have off-road tires, it will be necessary to find a long stretch of road to keep your speed above 65.
- Get two seconds of airtime in a vehicle
- The best way to do this is with a vehicle that has been equipped with off-road tires. Off-road tires add extra bounce to your vehicles, which might give you the extra push you need. To do this fast, land at the garage near West of Steamy Stacks, equip a vehicle, and drive it up the large hill to the West.
- Legendary Quest: Collect Bars [1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000]
- The best way to collect bars is to complete quests for NPCs. If you grab a car and equip off-road tires, you can certainly complete this quest in one round. At the start of the match, focus on accepting quests from as many NPCs as you can. There is no penalty for failing them, and despite what it says, you can complete them in other matches as long as it's done in an hour.
- Several easy quests are provided by the collection of NPCs in the northwestern corner of the map. It's best to start with them and work your way down to Lazy Lake.
Fortnite drops a new set of challenges every week and you have potential to earn 277,000 XP if you complete all of them! Be sure to check our Complete Guide every week for the new challenges and guides to max out your XP.
Did you know we also cover the latest skins and cosmetics before they're released? Check out our list of the Leaked Skins & Cosmetics for Chapter 2 Season 6!
Published: Apr 15, 2021 05:00 am