Discover the latest Fortnite Leaked Skins for Chapter 5, Season 3, below. Leaks for Fortnite Cosmetics can come from various sources, including data mining, accidental platform reveals, and promotional images.
All Leaked Skins & Cosmetics in Fortnite
Most Fortnite skins on this list will eventually make their way to the store. However, some may be available through other means like Save the World purchases, promotions, or quests. Some skins are datamined and released within a week or two, while others remain in the game files for longer without any precise release date.
This list will be updated with new leaks as they are discovered. It includes both unreleased skins and those already available in the store. We'll move released cosmetics from the list once they hit the shop.
Are you looking to test your Fortnite skin knowledge? Take our How Well Do You Know Fortnite quiz!
Skins | Unconfirmed | Back Bling | Bundles | Emotes | Gliders | Music | Harvesting | Sprays | Wraps
Fortnite Crew Cosmetics

Recently Released Cosmetics
Item Shop
Find out what's available for purchase in our Fortnite Item Shop post!

Unreleased Cosmetics

Datamined Leaks/Un/Confirmed Fortnite Cosmetics
These are cosmetics that haven't been officially found in the files or have not been announced yet. They are usually leaked by guessing file names of skins and injecting the cosmetic into the game. You will also find skins teased within the game or as part of Fortnite promotions.

More Fortnite Cosmetic Galleries
- Fortnite Item Shop
- Leaked Skins & Cosmetics List
- Back Bling Cosmetics List
- Bundles Cosmetics List
- Contrail Cosmetics List
- Emoji & Emoticons Cosmetics List
- Dances & Emotes Cosmetics List
- Glider/Umbrella Cosmetics List
- Loading Screen Cosmetics List
- Music List
- Outfits & Skins Cosmetics List
- Pets Cosmetics List
- Pickaxe Cosmetics List
- Sets List
- Sprays Cosmetics List
- Toy Cosmetics List
- Wraps Cosmetics List
Back Bling
Most back blings are connected to skin, but on occasion, they are sold separately by themselves.

Released | Skins | Unconfirmed | Back Bling | Bundles | Emotes | Gliders | Music | Harvesting | Sprays | Wraps
There are currently no unreleased bundles.
There are currently no released dances and emotes.
Harvesting Tools
These are all the harvesting tools in the files that have yet to be integrated into the game!

Released | Skins | Unconfirmed | Back Bling | Bundles | Emotes | Gliders | Music | Harvesting | Sprays | Wraps
There are no currently unreleased Gliders!
There are no unreleased Music packs!

Old/Scrapped Fortnite Leaks
These are cosmetics that were leaked a long time ago. They may be scrapped, or Epic Games might just be waiting for the right time to release them. If anything was leaked over a year ago and still isn't released in the game, you'll find it here.

Released | Skins | Unconfirmed | Back Bling | Bundles | Emotes | Gliders | Music | Harvesting | Sprays | Wraps
Published: Jun 5, 2024 12:32 am