Building was the biggest advantage that you had in Fortnite, looper. However, the IO doesn't want to fight you fair and square. They've built a device that has disabled your ability to build structures out of nowhere to make things difficult for you. The Scientist is working on a fix for this, but you won't be able to build until then. If you're wondering how long building is gone from Fortnite, then the answer is nine days.
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Several prominent Fortnite content creators, including Ali "SypherPK" Hassan, noted that building would be absent during the first nine days in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. Going by that information, building should be back in the game by March 29, considering that the season began on March 20. Epic Games has found a nice little way of tying this feature in with the storyline itself, introducing a full questline revolving around restoring building. Moreover, it does take time for many players to get the hang of the building mechanic. So, if you're new to Fortnite or have trouble building before, here's your chance to make the most of it.
Building will also be available in Arena and Team Rumble modes. You could also head over to the Creative tab because community maps will still have available build features.
For a list of creative map codes, check out Best Fortnite Creative Map Codes (March 2022) – Season 5 Update! and more, on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 21, 2022 09:55 am