Mantling is a new feature in Fortnite that allows you to scale walls easily. This mechanic has been introduced to help you gain height on your opponents while building is disabled in-game. All you need to do is press and hold the jump button in front of a ledge, and you will end up mantling, i.e. climbing on the ledge.
How to climb walls in Fortnite
As mentioned before, all you need to do is press and hold the jump button in front of a ledge. When you jump in front of a ledge, you should be able to spot a yellow marker on top of the ledge. This yellow marker indicates where your character will land after mantling.
Related: How to complete the Sprinting Boot Camp in Fortnite
So approach a ledge, then press and hold the jump button and your character will climb the ledge automatically. You need to repeat this three times in order to successfully complete the Mantling Boot Camp in Fortnite.
One of the primary advantages of building was that it allowed you to gain a higher ground on your enemies. With building temporarily disabled, gaining height can be comparatively difficult. Mantling will help you with gain an advantage while building is disabled. Good luck honing your new skills, looper!
For more Fortnite guides, check out How to drive a tank in Fortnite and more on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 20, 2022 10:04 am