The Tokyo Game Show usually hosts some of the most significant announcements in gaming. With the Tokyo Game Show 2021 kicking off on September 30th, you’ll want to catch up with your favorite developers, such as Microsoft, and find out what their full lineup is and the details of their schedule.
The Microsoft presentation will start at 6:00 pm local time on Thursday, September 30th.
Related: When Does the Konami Tokyo Game Show 2021 Start – Full Lineup and Schedule Details
The presentation is scheduled for a 50-minute time slot and will be viewable live on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and Facebook. It’s described as an “Xbox Live Stream.”
Microsoft didn’t give exact details of their expected lineup for the show but has several big titles on the horizon. These included Halo Infinite, which will be release on December 8th for Xbox One, and Elden Ring in early 2022.
However, in the expanded description of the event, Microsoft talked about games for their entire ‘“ecosystem.” This means we’ll likely see products for both PC and Xbox showcased.
You can catch the event live or schedule a reminder on YouTube here.
Stay with Pro Game Guides for all the information on the Tokyo Game Show.
Published: Sep 27, 2021 3:37 PM UTC