Halls of Torment is a dark fantasy bullet hell with numerous characters to unlock and customize on runs into dark and dangerous dungeons. One thing I noticed was the home base, or camp, that I could explore before diving into a run. This can be made more lively by finding NPCs, such as the Wellkeeper. But this left me wondering where I can find the Wellkeeper, how to unlock him, and what he does in Halls of Torment.
How to unlock the Wellkeeper in Halls of Torment
To unlock the Wellkeeper in Halls of Torment, you must find this NPC and free them from their cage. This requires descending into the depths of the Ember Grounds, locating the Wellkeeper, retrieving the key, and freeing him. Once you do this, the Wellkeeper will join your camp.
Where to find the Wellkeeper in Halls of Torment
The Wellkeeper is found in the Ember Grounds. You must defeat the Imp Chieftan in the Haunted Caverns to unlock this area. Once you begin a run in the Ember Grounds, head toward the icon marked in the location below. I did not have to look far, as he was near where I spawned.

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Here you will find the Wellkeeper trapped in a cage. Head toward the key icon shown below, and collect it. Return to the Wellkeeper and free him. He will then leave the Ember Grounds and wait for you at your camp.

What does the Wellkeeper do in Halls of Torment?
The Wellkeeper is an NPC that can be used at your camp before entering a run. He will offer to hold items for you that you find on any run you make. However, you must find the other end of the well below and drop trinkets inside. This takes the place of the Item Stash. This allows you to save items and further customize your builds.

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Published: Jul 10, 2023 11:31 am