Our Saviors of Uldum Zoo Priest Deck Guide takes a look at this possible archetype in the new expansion for Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon. If you've been wishing for an aggressive Priest deck all your life, then you might have found what you are looking for with this potential new addition to the game!
Zoo Priest isn't necessarily a new idea, it's been experimented in the past with varying success. Now, with the release of Saviors of Uldum, there's a lot greater chance that it can succeed! Cards like the new Grandmummy , Wretched Reclaimer , and Psychopomp all fit this style of deck, and can buff and expand your boards!
Zoo Priest Deck List
Credit to Old Guardian for the theorycraft of this deck.
Priest | Neutral |
2x - Northshire Cleric | 2x - Mecharoo |
2x - Power Word: Shield | 2x - Serpent Egg |
2x - Dead Ringer | 2x - Nightmare Amalgam |
2x - EVIL Conscripter | 1x - SN1P-SN4P |
2x - Grandmummy | 2x - Replicating Menace |
2x - Extra Arms | 1x - Leeroy Jenkins |
2x - Wretched Reclaimer | 2x - Wargear |
1x - Mass Dispel | 1x - Zilliax |
2x - Psychopomp |
Deck Code
AAECAa0GBK8E1gqggAOftwMN5QTyDOX3Apj7Avb9AqH+AsyBA96CA42XA62lA6+lA7alA72mAwA=Zoo Priest Rogue Mulligan Guide
Always Keep
- Northshire Cleric - One of the best Priest cards and a great minion for defending the board in the early game and potentially getting us some early draw. It's also a good target for Extra Arms .
- Mecharoo - Solid early game card that replaces itself if it is traded into. It will hopefully give us some guaranteed board presence.
- Dead Ringer - Solid early drop that allows us to draw a card after it dies.
- EVIL Conscripter - Not the greatest stats, but we need early game presence and it also gets us a Lackey.
- Grandmummy - Great card to follow up a 1-drop, and is something that is going to be hard to remove completely.
Situational Keeps
- Power Word: Shield - Keep it with a 1-drop or something you'll immediately want to play it on.
- Extra Arms - Can be kept with a 1-drop so that you can play it right away and potentially get an immediate value trade.
- Wretched Reclaimer - Can be kept with a Deathrattle card that we'll want to target. Grandmummy and Serpent Egg are particularly good targets for this card.
General Gameplay Tips
Mech Priest is already something of an option for Priest, so this more Zoo based deck takes the good parts of that and mixes it with the new powerful stuff from Saviors of Uldum. This version of the deck does not run the quest, even though it would be good in this style of list. The problem is that restoring enough health to complete it is going to be too difficult in a limited amount of time. It requires too large of an investment to do so, and just using your hero power is not enough to forsake our first turn to include it.
Just like Warlock Zoo, we're looking to hold the board and aggressively put our minions onto the board. We're taking good trades when we have them, but also wanting to chip down our opponent with damage to setup for our finishers in the late game.
One of the better openers for this deck is going to be a 1-drop minion into Extra Arms on it and trading into an opponent's minion. This sets us up with initiative and will put our opponent behind for hopefully the next couple of turns. This allows us to increase our board state, or just heal up our buffed minion to trade again the following turn.
Wretched Reclaimer is going to be one of the particularly powerful cards in this list. It works extremely well with Grandmummy and Serpent Egg . Opponents will have to decide if they want to pop those minions early, just so they can avoid you doubling them up with Reclaimer.
Psychopomp is also very solid in this deck that contains many deathrattles. Not only do we get the minion back on the board, it also gets Reborn that makes it much more annoying to eliminate.
Late game we can go for a finish in a couple of different ways. Leeroy Jenkins is one of the obvious ones, it deals 6 from hand and we've hopefully got some board to deal additional damage. Mechs are the other way, if you've already got one on board, you can use your other mechs to buff it up for some surprise damage.
Other Card Choices
- Upgradeable Framebot - Strong early game mech that could see play in this deck if you want more mech synergy.
- Bronze Gatekeeper - Another potential mech that could fit in the list.
- Coppertail Imposter - It's a mech and it has Stealth initially, that means we can largely guarantee it being on the board the next turn.
- Cairne Bloodhoof - Strong Deathrattle minion that works well with Wretched Reclaimer and Psychopomp.
Published: Aug 6, 2019 09:22 am